Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)

Bobby and I listened to them carry on as we all drank several beers, and I was surprised that Henley never mentioned that we weren’t a couple. Instead, she played along with the idea, letting them both think that she was mine. Even telling Courtney all about the pranks she’d pulled over the past few weeks, somehow making our relationship seem… real. They continued to talk and drink as Bobby told me about some of the new bikes they had been renovating, and how Gavin had been a great addition to their crew.

We’d been there talking for almost an hour, and we were all feeling the effects of the alcohol. It was good to see Courtney and Bobby again, and I was glad they were both doing so well. As Henley continued to talk, she nestled herself into the crook of my arm like it was something she had always done. Without thinking, I rested my hand on her hip and pulled her closer to me. It felt right having her there next to me, calming me, making me feel human for the first time in so long. She turned her head back to look at me, and when her eyes met mine, I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down and pressing my lips against hers. The feel of her mouth against mine made the blood rush to my cock, instantly fueling my need to have her – all of her. She slowly turned her body facing me, pressing her hips against my growing bulge. I traced her bottom lip with my tongue, and when she opened up to me, I completely forgot that we weren’t alone.

We were still locked in our embrace when Bobby announced, “I think that’s our cue to head home, Court.” He laughed as he stood up to leave, taking Courtney by the hand and leading her towards the door.

“I’ll see you two love-birds tomorrow,” Courtney shouted just before the door closed behind them.

Henley placed her hands on my chest, pulling herself away just long enough to say, “Where’s our room?”

I didn’t hesitate, didn’t think about the consequences. I just took her hand and led her down the hall. As soon as I shut the door behind us, I said, “Are you sure about this?” I prayed that she hadn’t changed her mind. I wanted her… craved her. Without me even realizing it, this woman had turned my world upside down and made me want… more.

“Absolutely,” she said as she lifted herself up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer as she pressed her lips against mine. The kiss instantly became heated, intensifying my need for her. I took several steps forward until Henley’s back was pressed against the wall. My hands slid down to her ass, lifting her off the ground as I grinded my throbbing cock against her. Her legs instinctively made their way around my waist, and the heat of her body set me on fire. An overwhelming need to extinguish the burn had me struggling to contain my craving for her. I’d never wanted anyone as much I as wanted her in that moment. My lips left her mouth, and slowly traveled down her long slender neck. Henley moaned with pleasure as her fingers raked through my hair and down the back of my neck. Her hips rocked against me, making my cock grow harder, prying against the zipper of my jeans.

“I’ve imagined having you like this, Henley. Your hot little body pressed against the wall while I fucked you,” I whispered as her fingertips clawed at the back of my shirt, lifting it over my head. “You’ve thought about it, too. Haven’t you? Feeling my cock inside you, fucking you until your body collapses around me?”

“Yes! Yes!” she cried out. “Please, Maverick.” My mind flashed red at the sound of my road name coming from her lips. At any other time, it wouldn’t have mattered. She’d called me Maverick a thousand times, but in that moment, something was different. I needed to hear her call me by my name.

“Logan,” I corrected her. “Whenever we’re alone, when I have my mouth on you,” I whispered as I nipped at her neck. I reached down between her legs and pressed firmly against the fabric of her white shorts and whispered, “my fingers inside of you, or,” a deep moan vibrated through her chest as I ground my cock against her, “when I’m fucking you senseless with my cock, I want to hear you crying out my name.”

“Logan,” she whimpered as the warmth of her breath swept across my neck. I’d never felt like this before. I’d never wanted something so much. She was more than I ever imagined, and it was impossible to resist her. I eased her shirt over her head, exposing her perfect round tits. I couldn’t wait to get them in my mouth, feeling her squirm beneath me while I explored every inch of her body.

With her legs still wrapped around my waist, I carried her over to the edge of the bed. She lowered her feet to the floor, and slowly reached behind her back, removing her pink, lace bra. She didn’t shy away from me when I watched her breasts fall free from the lace fabric, taunting me, begging for my mouth. She was absolutely stunning, but I wanted to see more of her – all of her.

“I want to see all of you, Henley.” She eagerly released the buttons of her shorts and let them drop to the floor. With her eyes locked on mine, she stepped out of them, leaving her sandals behind. She stood before me wearing only a pink pair of lacy panties. Fuck me… she was gorgeous.

L. Wilder's books