Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)

“All of it, Henley.”

Her fingers trailed along her hips as she lowered them, inch by inch, down her long legs, her eyes never leaving mine as she teased me. She gently kicked them to the side and faced me, waiting to see my reaction. I was pleased that she wasn’t intimidated by my intense stare, letting my eyes slowly roam over every inch of her. Instead, she seemed to relish the fact that her body was affecting me to such a degree. Her head cocked to the side, and her eyes drifted to the tent in my jeans. With her hands now on her hips, a wicked smile crept across her face.

“Your turn, Logan. I want to see all of you,” she said playfully, using my own words against me.

It was difficult to restrain myself with her standing there looking so fucking tempting, but I took my time, watching her reaction as I slowly undressed. I needed to know that she wanted this, and watching her squirm in front of me, left me with no doubt. Her eyes widened with anticipation as I gradually lowered my zipper, taking my time to ease my jeans down my hips. Her teeth toyed with her bottom lip as I tossed my clothes to the side. A light whimper echoed through the room when she noticed my hard cock beneath my boxers.

“All of it,” she demanded softly.

Without hesitation, I tugged them off and tossed them across the room. She stood there motionless while she looked at me… her eyes filled with lust as she watched my hand reach for my cock. I took my dick in my hand and squeezed, relieving some of the throbbing pressure. I felt it pulse against my hand as I slowly stroked it, groaning out a curse. Henley bit her lip harder as she watched me, her eyes focused totally on the motion of my hand. I just knew she was wet for me, wanting to feel my cock inside her.

I stepped closer, and put my free hand on her ass, pulling her body against mine and whispered, “Do you like what you see, Henley? Are you wet for me?” I didn’t wait for her to answer as my hand slid between her legs. My fingers brushed against her entrance, and I found my answer. “Yeah, you’re wet for me. You want my cock deep inside you, making you cum, but you’re going to have to wait for my cock, baby.” I pressed my lips against hers as I lowered her down to the bed. The warmth of her naked body enveloped me, and I wondered how much more I could take before I was inside her.

My need for her was building, burning deep inside my gut. Fuck. I wanted to take my time with her, but seeing her body respond to my touch was driving me crazy. I continued to lick and suck along the lines of her neck and shoulder, slowly trailing down to her breasts while her whimpers and groans urged me on. I took one in the palm of my hand, gently squeezing as my tongue twirled around her nipple. Her hips bucked against me as I teased her with my mouth.

“Soon, Henley,” I groaned, kissing my way down her flat stomach. My hands slid under her ass, pulling her closer to my mouth. I thought she was going to jump out of her skin when I pressed the flat of my tongue against her clit. Her fingers dove into my hair, guiding me as her knees opened wider. I teased her with my mouth, bringing her close to the edge, but pulling away before she could orgasm. The taste of her against my tongue was driving me wild. I had to hear her cum. I couldn’t wait to feel her * tighten around my cock. Slipping two fingers deep inside, I began to fuck her with my hand. Her hips rocked against me, grinding hard against my fingers while she tried to get the friction she needed to find her orgasm. I wanted to be inside of her when she broke, I pulled back, making her wait for it. She groaned in frustration when I found her g-spot, teasing her even as I curled my fingers against it.

She was writhing beneath me, tortured by her overwhelming need to find release. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to be inside her. I lifted myself up between her legs and reached for a condom. A small smile of relief washed over her face when she watch me roll the latex down my cock.

“Hurry,” she grumbled as she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me closer to her entrance. I looked down at her, captivated by her lust filled eyes.

I brushed my cock against her clit, and demanded, “Tell me… tell me you want this.”

“Umm…hmm,” she murmured.

“I need to hear the words, Henley. Tell me.”

Her eyes locked on mine, and I knew her answer before she even said it. “I want you, Logan. I want all of you,” she whispered, her voice low and raspy. She wound her arms around my neck, and I felt her quiver beneath me as I thrusted deep inside her. Her hands pushed against my chest letting me know she needed time to adjust. After a few seconds, her hips slowly began to roll against mine, urging me inside her. Not wanting to hurt her, I slowly began to move, but kept a slow, steady rhythm.

L. Wilder's books