Luke: A West Bend Saints Romance

"I don't understand," I said. "From Coker?"


Deborah shrugged. "My employer made the arrangements - one of the guys I clean houses for. He said that Coker had seen the error of his ways."


I glanced at Trigg, whose eyes were wide. "That doesn't sound like Coker," I said.


Deborah smiled. "I don't care if Coker was pressured into giving us that money, or if he did it because he found Jesus. All I care about is the fact that the money is real, Silas, and that we can move out of this hellhole neighborhood and that my daughter is not going to get shot going to school."


"Deborah, I would really make sure this isn't anything illegal -"


Deborah stood up. "No more, Silas," she said. "Even if that money wasn't obtained in the most appropriate of ways, I've assured that we're okay. And I won't hear of you not taking that purse back. I know you've got your own things to worry about."


I looked at Trigg, and he shook his head. "Okay, Deborah," I said. "I'm going to trust you know what you're doing."


"Thank you," she said. "Now, smile. This is a good day."


I waited until we were driving away to say anything else about it. "What the fuck is going on?"


"You know as much as I do, man," Trigg said.


"What the hell happened in the past few days?"


"You mean, in the past few days while you were holed up in the hotel room, banging the TV producer?" Trigg asked, grinning.


"I'm not talking about her," I warned.


"I don't know, man," he said. "Nothing happened that I've heard about. There's no way the money came from Coker, for fuck's sake. Can you see Coker having any remorse - giving Johnny money?"


"No," I agreed. "It's insane. Still, poke around in it, will you? See if anyone's talking about anything like that going down. I'd just like to know that's not money from a drug lord or something - I don't know what the hell - being laundered or something."


"Right on," Trigg said. "Are you sticking around here or heading out?"


"I have to get back to West Bend and take this car back to my brother," I said. "But do you remember what you said about those friends of yours, the ones in the biker club?"


"The ones who'd take care of Coker -"


"Yeah, those ones," I said. "Make some inquiries on that, too, if you would."


"I don't need to make inquiries on that," Trigg said. "You give the word, and they'll take care of it. Coker didn't try to have me killed, though, so it's not my call. It's you or Johnny or Abel who need to make that decision."


I nodded. "I'll think on it."




"Where the hell have you been?" Elias looked behind me to the driveway.


I tossed him the keys to the car. "Don't worry, your precious baby is just fine." I paused. "Sort of. I need to get it detailed."


"What?" Elias asked, pushing me aside to go look in the car. "Did you fucking eat in there?"


"It's only crumbs," I yelled to his back as he went to the car. "Don't worry. I wrapped the dead body in the trunk in tarp first."


"How are you, Silas?" River opened the door but poked her head out, looking at Elias, before she raised her eyebrows at me. "He really is particular about that car, isn't he?"


"Particular is one word for it," I said. "A better word is crazy. So this is the new place?" Even though I'd gone to Los Angeles with Elias when he went to tell River he loved her, I still couldn't believe the Hollywood movie star had come back here to West Bend to settle down.


If I had to be honest with myself, I was a little bit jealous. You'd think a big time star like that would be stuck up and spoiled, but River seemed to really care about my twin brother. I wanted something like what they had.


I thought I'd had that special thing with Tempest, years ago. But I was wrong. Being with her for the past couple days in Vegas started reminding me way too much of how it was with her back then.


It stirred up old feelings in me, and that wasn't good.


"Yep." She smiled. "It's starting to look good in here, too. We're getting all settled in now. Do you want something to drink?"


"Coffee would be good, if you have it," I said, as I followed her into the kitchen. "How is life outside of the Hollywood scene? Are you getting bored with West Bend yet?"


"Not yet." She opened the fridge. "Do you want milk for your coffee? Oh, here. Fix it however you want. The sugar is on the counter."


I dumped a couple of spoonfuls of sugar into the cup, and took a sip. "It's a pretty big change of pace for you, isn't it?"


River shrugged. "You'd think so," she said. "But West Bend seems to have its own share of drama, just like California."


I laughed. "Shit. That's for sure."


"Elias was worried about you," she said.


Sabrina Paige's books