Luke: A West Bend Saints Romance

"Tempest," I began.


"No," she said. "Don't give me some bullshit about that not being true. It's exactly what would have happened. I would have ruined you." She shrugged away from my hand and looked down at the bed. "I would have, and you know it."


I wanted to tell her that she ruined me anyway. When she was gone, I had nothing left. For years, that's how I lived. As if I had nothing to live for.


I was angry at the goddamned world.


But she silenced me before I could say anything, climbing onto my lap and pressing her lips against mine.


We didn't speak after that. Instead, she slid onto my cock and we found a gentle rhythm as she wrapped her legs around my waist and rode me until we finally came together in a blinding explosion.


When she came, I didn't take my eyes off her. I tried to memorize her expression, to etch it onto my brain, save it in my memory so that I could retrieve it in the future.


I knew what was happening between us couldn't last.


This moment was fleeting.


Everything was.









When I woke, sunlight was streaming through the windows and bathing the room in its golden light. Beside me, Silas pressed his body against mine. When I moved, he murmured something and pulled me tighter against him.


Lying in bed like this with him was a first. When we were teenagers, it was frantic coupling in an abandoned hunting cabin or outside on a blanket under the stars. Never like this.


It was nice. But at the same time, the bitter sweetness of it broke my fucking heart.


Silas slid his hand down the side of my hip, nuzzled his face against my neck. "Good morning."


"Good morning."


Silas ran his hand over my hip, his erection pressed into me. My body immediately responded, my nipples hardening as he brushed his hands over my breasts. "Tempest," he said, his hand moving back down to grab a handful of my ass. "I can't get enough of you."


"You sure had me enough last night," I said, barely able to keep the smile from covering my face. "I barely got any sleep."


"Mhmm," he murmured. "Are you complaining? It doesn't feel like your body is complaining." He reached down between my legs, found my clit and simultaneously pulled my ass against him.


I laughed. "I'm not complaining in the least," I said. But I swatted his hand away. "I have to pee."


I slipped out of bed, dodging Silas and laughing as he lunged at me, trying to make another grab for me. Inside the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and generally made myself presentable, marveling at my horrendous case of bed-head.


Silas pushed open the door and walked inside.


I whirled around. "Silas!" I squealed, my voice high pitched. "The door was closed. Inappropriate, much?"


"What? I'm out there about to piss myself," he said, grinning, standing in front of me, morning wood evident.


"So you're about to pee in front of me?" I asked, shielding my eyes and stepping around him. "I don't need to see that!"


"Are we not in that place yet?" he asked over his shoulder as I shut the door behind me. I heard him chuckle.


"No!" I yelled. "We are definitely not in that place."


When he emerged from the bathroom, he stood, hands on his waist. "So, no peeing in front of you," he said. "Anyone ever tell you you're kind of a prude?"


"Yeah, I'm totally a prude" I said. "Just because I don't want to see you take a leak. I'm like a fucking nun."


"You've got a dirty little mouth," Silas said, grinning. He grabbed my waist, his hand circling around it, to the small of my back.


"Maybe you should wash it out," I said.


"Shit, Tempest," he said. "Don't tempt me. You're going to have me thinking about what I should use to wash it out. We didn't finish things that way last night, if you recall."


If I recalled. Yeah, I definitely remembered being on my knees at Silas' feet, his cock in my mouth. The memory brought an instantaneous rush of heat between my legs.


"We could finish things that way today," I said, my hand trailing down, my palm rolling over his hardness.


"I fully intend to," he said, his mouth close to my ear. "I'm going to put my face between your legs and lick you until you scream. I want you to come on my tongue."


I stroked the length of his cock with my hand. "Are you trying to start something with me right now?"


Silas growled in my ear. "Nope," he said. "I've got water running in the bathroom." He turned, and I followed, padding across the marble tiles in the expansive bathroom, where the tub in the middle of the room was nearly filled to the brim, bubbles dancing along the surface.


Silas leaned over and turned off the water, and his gaze met mine. "What?"


"A bubble bath?"


He shrugged. "You saw the shithole where I grew up," he said, crossing to where I stood and drawing me in to kiss me. "You brought this poor white trash boy to a fucking penthouse suite in Las Vegas. You might be used to this kind of thing, but I'm not. So you're going to climb into this bathtub that's the size of a small pool, and let me do what I've always wanted to do to you."


Sabrina Paige's books