Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Nearly three weeks later, I went out to a trendy nightspot with Michelle and her girls. Michelle had started to even out with her sickness and demanded to get out to feel some level of normalcy. Britni was always going to the latest and hottest clubs in L.A. and this one was on her list. The energy was crazy inside and the music was exhilarating. I had a ball on the dance floor and had to keep reminding myself to take it easy because I had on a very short off the shoulder, taupe, sequenced dress. It fit like a large T-shirt. I loved it, but quickly learned it truly wasn’t the best thing to dance in.

One of the things I loved most about L.A. was how at the trendier clubs, there was a great mixture of people blending ethnicities and ages. I threw my ass from one side of the room to the next. I was wild and thrilled to be out again. I made dance floor friends with a gay guy. He had olive skin with groomed facial hairs and a neon pink Mohawk. We jammed to the music like nobody’s business. There were times he emulated me and I him out of pure fun. It was a blast, so fun that I needed a break after a while.

As I walked off the dance floor, I threaded over to our table where Michelle and Britni were sitting to get money from my purse. The table was close to the dance floor so that we had a good vantage point and quick access to our things. We agreed that someone would be at the table at all times to watch our things and we alternated.

April so happened to just walk up as well and yelled over the music, “Damn, I’m thirsty as fuck! All this dancing has my ass sweating like a fucking farmer. I’m going to the bar to get a soda or something. Does anybody want something?” That damn April had the filthiest mouth of the bunch.

“Hold up. I’ll go with you. I want another drink,” I shouted.

We made our way over to the bar together and ordered our drinks. April’s drink came first but mine, which was a peach martini, seemed to have been delayed. After waiting a few minutes, I grew impatient not understanding what the hell took the bartender so long. I used the metal pole at the bottom of the bar as a stepping stool to look over onto the other side, hoping to see what the dilemma was. I could tell she was held up doing something back there. My irritation forced me to fix my attention back there to learn of the problem that had been delaying her. As I was doing this, April tapped me on the arm and shouted something inaudible over the music, but I couldn’t hear her. I got down off the bar and asked her to repeat herself. I noticed her face had brightened and sea blue irises were glued to something fascinating across the room. I leaned in closer to her.

“Oh, my god! Your boo is here, girl. Look!” she squealed animatedly.

“What?” I asked almost at the same time as she shouted, “Over…at our table!”

Without thought, I turned to see what she was referring to.

I glanced over towards our table to find Azmir bent over exchanging words with to Michelle. My body froze in place and I could no longer hear anything but the beat of my heart as blood rushed through my veins quickening my pulse. How crazy was it that he was at this place tonight!

Azmir’s presence was always commanding no matter where he went. His tall lean frame stuck out over all of his entourage. Before I knew it, Michelle had pointed him toward my direction. My first instinct was to make an volte-face to the bar, but it was too late. He had seen me. I couldn’t help it, I completely turned my body around back to the bar.

Of course, in true April fashion, her blue orbs and attention stayed fastened across the room. She used her straw to twirl in her glass while she lusted over Azmir.

She even had the nerve to go as far as to say, “Mmmm…mmm…mmm! If you don’t want that man, Rayna, I got something for that ass. I knew I should have snatched his ass up before you started fucking him.” She continued after a short pause with, “Who am I fooling? I could give a rat’s ass that you’ve fucked him. I’ll take him anyway.”

Her neck twirled swinging her silky bleach blonde hair with perfect golden highlights, her pointed nose protruded and narrow lips pouted salaciously. If she and Michelle were not distant relatives I would have strangled her ass years ago.

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