Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“I’ve been trying to get you all week. Where in hell have you been? Do you think it’s a good idea to continue with ignoring me? Your daughter had another round of shots a couple of days ago. It would have been nice for you to have come. Whatever’s going on between you and me has nothing to do with Azina. I can’t believe how selfish you’ve been over the past two weeks since she’s been here. You bastard!” Tara spewed.

To say that I wasn’t expecting that would be an understatement. Her voice traveled so far that Rayna, who was to the left of me, began shifting beneath the covers and turning over in the bed to figure out where the noise was coming from. She removed her hair from her sleepy face and tried to focus in on the source of the sound. I have to get this chick off the phone before a problem occurs. I’d barely recovered from their previous encounter.

“Are you still there?” Tara yelled.

“Listen, it is too damn early in the morning for this shit,” I said not aware of the time.

“Too damn early? It’s ten in the damn morning! Where the hell have you been?" she yelled.

I didn’t realize it was that late. Being away only one weekend had my body totally off. I had gotten adjusted that quickly to that time zone. I was really fucked up in the head this particular morning. Either way, I didn’t want to hear this bullshit. Tara was getting out of hand with this baby shit! And this was a bad time to come at me with this with Rayna right here.


“You got one more time to yell in my ear and you’re gonna be talking to the dial tone!” I gritted threw a clenched jaw. “Did you sign the paperwork for the test? I thought I made it clear that there will be nothing going on until that is done.”

“Are you on that bullshit again, Azmir? Are you really going to subject this little girl to all that probing just to find out something that your pride won’t allow you to admit? Yes, I’ve made mistakes but I know who the father of my child is. Please don’t continue to disrespect me!” she demanded.

“Again, until that’s taken care of don’t have any expectations of me. Another thing, don’t call me until it’s done. Are we clear?”

“Azmir…” Tara cried.

“ARE WE CLEAR?” I blurted furiously. I had to bring it back in because this conversation was lasting longer than I needed it to and I knew Rayna was going to follow up with her concerns about it. I didn’t need this bullshit.

There was silence at the other end. I took that to mean she understood this conversation was over. In a much calmer, yet firm tone I said, “Fill out the papers and we’ll be in touch from there.”

With that, I disconnected our call. I then took a deep breath to prepare myself for what was coming. But Rayna was silent. I laid back on my pillow, brushed my face in exasperation with my hands and exhaled. She slowly got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom door.

“Where you going?” I asked with fury because I knew what was coming.

She was closing up on me. I can honestly say that I prefer for her to bitch and scream because at least I’d know where her head is and, most importantly, her heart. When she gives me the silent treatment I get confused and insecure as a motherfucker!

“Work,” was all she said.

I knew it was just an excuse. We were both exhausted and had only slept a few hours. I mean, we didn’t have plans to spend time together once we returned and even I had a little running around to do but I knew this abrupt exodus was because of Tara’s call. I could have addressed the issue but I was too damn tired to explain for the millionth time that Tara was just dragging out our break up. Hell, she’s almost a year into this denial thing. Tara was either psycho or knew what she was doing, which was fucking with me!

Love Belvin's books