Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“No problem.”

I pulled out my pocket watch and noted that it was seven thirty-five, over a half an hour past our reservation time. I knew we had arrived ten minutes late due to traffic, but this was not like Rayna. I had begun to resolve in my mind that she wasn’t going to show. Should I have called her to remind her or pushed the issue of having her picked up? I was wrestled in my thoughts. I immediately became flooded with disappointment.

Yazmine gave me a deep gaze of skepticism. “Are you sure you’re okay, beloved.”

“Oh, yeah. I’d prefer you not go alone. I know that you and Big D have a history and with what we’ve recently discovered, I don’t want to take any chances of a heated encounter,” I assured her.

“No. It ain’t that. It’s something else going on in ya’ head.” She was right. Her name was Rayna. And she was stressing me the fuck out!

Having succumbed to defeat, I was just about to call the waiter over to start our order when I noticed her enthralling stride over to our table. She was dressed in a black, fitted, long sleeve dress that stopped just below her knees, and black suede Fendi metallic platform pumps with a gold with black Fendi fold-over clutch to match. I knew this because I was with her when it was purchased, just before her birthday, during the summer. I thought the combo was a bit understated, but she said that’s why it had appealed to her. It was nice to see her wearing it. Her hair was in the sexy, short loose curls she’d had it cut into. Her jewelry was modest, her make-up was soft, but her lips were lusciously nude against her skin. My dick inflated against my pants.

Just before she reached the table, I rose and took a few steps to meet her. She gave me a nervous smile and was receptive when I went to reach her and pulled her into the curve of my body, she didn’t resist. I was so relieved and excited to see her. When we embraced, I heard her breath catch at the point of our contact. In my elation, I pulled her face up with my right hand to plant a soft kiss on her lips, trying to fight the urge to smear her lipstick. Before my lips landed, I felt an electric pull as I inhaled her and when our lips met, I seemed to have shattered in a million pieces.

What the fuck is that?

When I opened my eyes, I noticed hers were open, trying not to give into passion. But I felt her erratic heartbeat in my arms. She smelled glorious in my fold. Her eyes danced back and forth while searching mine. I knew she wondered what the fuck was up with me.

“I didn’t think you were going to make it,” slipped from my lips in a whisper that could only be heard by her, and I immediately wanted to kick myself for letting it. I slowly released her lower back from my needy grip, raking my hand on the way and could swear I heard a moan escape her.

She looked me in the eyes with furrowed brows. There was so much I wanted to say, so many unfamiliar feelings I wanted to express, but of course this was not the time nor place. She looked over to Yazmine, leaving my embrace, and greeted, “Mrs. Jacobs, it’s so good to see you again,” as she extended her arms to indicate to my mother that she wanted to enfold her.

Yazmine, who appeared to have been watching our private moment, quickly followed suit and rose from the table reciprocating. I watched how they welcomed each other and both seemed to have been immediately taken. I could see Yazmine’s face from my angle and she closed her eyes during their contact, which let me know that there was a level of sincerity in her greeting to Rayna.

As they let go Rayna said, “I apologize for being so late. Not only was the traffic terrible, but I had to stop at a drugstore on my way. I picked up the phone to text Azmir on the way and saw that my battery had died.”

Love Belvin's books