Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

She murmured, “Azmir, you stay on this not mixing business with pleasure kick.” Dawn let out a soft exhale, “I’ll try to play nicely. I am an only child who challenges rejection. I always seem to end up with those things that I pursue.”

With that, she turned and strutted off.

I take a beat and then call out to her without changing my stance, “I don’t want any trouble in our business affairs, Ms. Taylor.”

I heard the abrupt pause in her heels against the floors as she considered my words, “It’s not our business affairs that anyone should be concerned about,” she shot back before hitting the door.

It was in that conversation I’d realized that my previous draw to Dawn actually worked against her. Yes, she made it clear she wanted me, but she left nothing for me to desire. Nothing for me to chase. On the other hand, while I enjoyed the chase with Rayna, I needed to feel every once in a while that she appreciated my efforts. I needed to know she wanted my companionship. In all honesty, I wanted Rayna to need me, like I needed her. I was hoping that I didn’t fuck up things with Rayna and had hope to Allah that she’d find it within herself to forgive me. If I wanted something solid with Rayna, I had to work with her and give her time to come around.

Damn. I’d just hope she’d come around.

“Sir,” Brett called out to me, breaking me yet again from a trance.

“Ah, yes. Next week will be fine,” I rebounded, recalling the last of their exchange.

“Okay, I’ll let your stylist know that you’ll need wardrobe for then,” Brett replied.

“Oh, he finally speaks up?” Shayna quipped. I guess I was that distant from the conversation.

“I’m here, Shayna,” I chimed in.

“How are you today?” Shayna asked in her usual southern hospitable tone.

“I’m well. Thanks for asking. I’m pleased about this brandy deal. You guys are blowing me away.”

“Well, thanks for that. We have a lot more in store.”

“Mr. Jacobs…” Dawn chimed in with her kitten voice, dripping sex appeal.


“Honey magazine wants to do a personal experience piece with several semi-nude shots for one of their winter issues. They really loved the Vibe article and learned that you were a boxing enthusiast, which means they know you’re physically fit and want see your body. I think we should do this and mention Cobalt for marketing purposes.”

Did I hear her correctly?

“Dawn, I am a businessman, not a model hopeful. That may be ideal for Cobalt, but does nothing for Global Fusions. I’ll have to pass.”

Global Fusions was my merger, acquisition, and liquidations firm with Richard. We were growing in lightning speed in this economy. I didn’t need any traction.

“Are you kidding me? With your physique, business ventures, and brilliant mind we can cause major traffic to your entire brand. Your Google numbers would be out of this world. Just look at Christian Cross. His spread in Men’s Health demonstrated a significant boost in his cutlery line.”

“That’s because men don’t shop for knives and I don’t have many products exclusively geared toward women. I’ll pass.”

“Is that a hold action item for a future meeting?” Dawn goaded.

“That is an definitive, absolutely, positively, hell no.” I was firm and slightly annoyed by her persistence.

There was a brief pause. “Okay. We’ll work another angle,” Shayna assured.

That’s when I got a text from Shayna, asking for a personal and private conversation with me soon. What a clandestine thing to do, given we were on the line together now. It must’ve had to do with Dawn. I told her I’d be agreeable to it.

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