Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

We were invited to tour the casino that evening and asked to stay for dinner. They were trying to impress us into believing the business was promising and therefore worth more than what we were offering. That was one of the cons of being a rather new merger and acquisitions firm; if we were larger and more reputable, it would have been understood that our decision was based on what’s on paper—only their bottom line. But until we were a little matured in the business in terms of reputation, we had to rely on the art of compromise and negotiation savvy. Needless to say, I was all too happy when the meeting ended.

I walked through the door of the house and was contented immediately by its stateliness. The motif was very contemporary and comfortable enough to be considered family style. I saw the lights were on, and although the sun was going down, I didn’t believe they were left on by the property-keeper. Mark and Eric had to have arrived before me. I didn’t see traces of them until I dropped my things and made my way out of the foyer and closer toward the massive kitchen area that displayed a long white wooden island that sat at least six. There was a door across from the kitchen’s entryway that was open and I could hear boisterous laughter that sounded very familiar. I walked down into the basement where I found the two fellows, around the pool table en route.

“It’s me, bitches,” I sang as I skipped down the steps.

“Azmir, baby, please let me tea bag you to express my gratitude for this pad!” Eric exclaimed as I approached him and gave him some dap. “Bro!”

“Oh, no! I’ll blow him first for that Jacuzzi out on the deck!” Mark shouted just before I gave him some love as well. “Do you know how many young and firm AKAs I can fit in there tonight?”

“I’ll exonerate both of your acts of kindness and accept a simple thanks instead. From the look of the stubbles on both of you, I’d have carpet burns for a week.” I put both my palms in the air, gesturing a no thanks. It was good to see them. They both held whiskey glasses. “So what y’all sippin’ on?”

“Dude! There’s a fully loaded bar. I’ve started off with brandy. This shit is quality. Fuck!” Mark craned his neck back, looking at the miniature glass. I knew the bar was fully loaded, I paid to have it that way.

“You know, men of my refined nature always enjoy scotch. It’s delicious, bro!” Eric raised his glass in the air as I walked over to the bar to make my selection.

“So what does the agenda look like this week for you guys?” I turned my attention back to the shelves, looking for a tumbler. Mark pointed my attention over the sink and I grabbed a whiskey glass. “What type of Greek function is this?” I poured my Armagnac and returned to the cipher at the pool table.

“Our bicentennial. There is supposed to be nearly five hundred confirmed attendees. And I’ve remembered my rubbers,” Mark beamed.

“Last I heard, AKAs were predominately sisters. I thought you didn’t do them anymore, bruh,” I teased.

Eric burst into laughter. “That man is so fucking horny that he would stick his two inches into a Cheshire’s *!”

The liquor had obviously settled into these two. Mark gave a hard dismissive wave. “I still love my sisters, you know. They’re bodies are like none other,” Mark defended.

“Now, I don’t know about that one. I’ve seen some Asian sisters with tits and ass for miles and would put a Tanika and Kyisha to shame,” Eric argued.

“I have a few of my Caucasian beauties who have the bodies of goddesses—tits, ass, ankles and wrists! At the end of the day * is *, riiiiight?” Mark stroked the air by winding his pelvis area.

“I bet you can’t even see your dick over that goddamn meatball, man! Didn’t we talk about you working out? I thought you got a membership at your local gym? Shit, you know you can always come over to rec center and I’ll hook you up with one of our personal trainers. The ladies are going to look at you like you’re a geriatric pervert, man,” I scolded Mark as I was perched on a bar stool, and mostly because he’d lost his dad to heart disease when we were all in undergrad together.

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