Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Oh, no!” she sputtered, holding her palm to me. “I’ll put that on before I get to work. I knew you’d smear it before I made it to the car.” She giggled. She was right. I loved fucking up her lipstick. It’s a part of my brutish nature.

“I’m glad you’re giving yourself more time before resuming to working out.” I stood along the wall adjacent to the door, leaning my head into it like some love-stricken teenager.

“Just one more day. After this morning, I’m reminded of how much I need to stick with my workouts,” Rayna shot back. “You were an animal. That should last ya’ about a week, I hope.”

I smiled, taken by her teasing. She had no idea—I could never have enough of her, in my bed or on my jimmy.

“You gonna miss me?” I asked, unmasking my solemnity.

“Probably a little more than you’re going to miss me,” she murmured, moving closer.

“How do you know that’s possible? Can you measure how much I miss you?” Goddamn if her sudden proximity didn’t arouse me in less than seconds.

“You’re the one leaving every week. I’m here…waiting on your return,” she murmured soberly. My head slightly jolted back. It was almost as if I’d been jabbed in the stomach. Her eyes widened in reaction to it.

“No! No, I don’t mean that in a guilt trip type of way. I just meant that I’m here surrounded by you until you return,” Rayna tried to assure me, albeit unsuccessfully. “It’s probably a little easier for you when you have no reminders. You’re in a new place…new surroundings all the time.”

I exhaled from frustration. I didn’t want her to feel this way. It was so far from the truth. “Brimm, it’s never easy for me, trust me. Believe me when I say I am looking into ways to slow down my travel.” I traced her jaw with the pad of my thumb. She’d become so precious to me in no time. “I didn’t mean for us to kick things off like this. I promise, I’m working on a solution.” I tried pleading through her eyes. “Keep in mind, you can always tag along.”

She gasped. “…and get on your nerves even when you’re away working? I don’t think so.” Rayna shook her head emphatically, bearing a soft smile and rolling her brown irises. “I’ll be fine. Just don’t forget to come home from time to time—” She stopped and I could tell something had suddenly come to mind. “Hey! How ‘bout we video chat. That could be fun.”

A wicked smirk appeared upon her face as she raised an eyebrow. Sensual images ran through my head as quickly as blood rushed to the head of dick. Goddamn. I liked the idea immediately and wanted to show her.

“Give me your hand,” I ordered and she did so hesitantly.

I pulled it to my rock hard crotch. Her eyes lit up and she was about to speak before I pulled her into my chest and placed my mouth to hers, pulling her into a kiss that was hard and long. The current state of my cock. She moaned and deepened the kiss. I didn’t want to let her go; I’d much prefer taking her back to bed and making her scream my name from insane pounding. I wanted to hold her naked body in my arms for hours on end.

“Brimm, you gotta go. I’ll call you when I land,” I muttered, resting my forehead on hers, breaking our embrace. I heard her heavy panting over my own.

“Text me when you board the plane,” Rayna whispered, her voice laced with longing. Her eyes looked heavy and I didn’t know if it was from lust or simple sadness of my leaving. Either way, it made it difficult for me.

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