Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

What do I say? How do I respond? I was slipping and slipping fast. I didn’t have an answer.

“Nothing has changed between Rayna and me,” Azmir spoke firm and in all of his CEO mien. It was his trustee strong and deliberate intimating tone that worked each time he executed it. “Rayna and I have spoken extensively over the past eighteen hours and we agree that nothing has changed in terms of our status. What took place yesterday was nothing short of a misunderstanding between Rayna and her overzealous colleague after a few drinks over a late lunch.”

Dawn’s mouth dropped. Even I was surprised by Azmir’s affirmation. He was unwavering in his summary of the situation. Shayna’s eyes were popped, but glued to the document before her. She slowly raised her pen to record his comments.

“Wow. That’s rather firm, Azmir,” Dawn mentioned.

“Oh, my position regarding my personal life is very firm, Ms. Taylor,” Azmir retorted. “And with that being said, I believe the etiquette for the nature of this meeting is that you reference me as Mr. Jacobs and to her as Ms. Brimm. I am paying you, not the reverse. I expect the utmost formalities when dealing with matters of business. Are we clear, Ms. Taylor?”

The table grew quiet. You could hear a pin drop. Dawn’s crimson lips were parted in shock. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t gloat in her discomfit. There’s nothing funny about being at the end of Azmir’s anger.

“Y-yes, Mr. Jacobs. Of course. I apologize for my lapse in professionalism.” Dawn shook her head in an effort to clear her brain. I watched raptly as she took a hard swallow, a fortifying move to regain herself. “Well, now that that’s out of the way, why don’t we discuss strategy. Huhn?” Dawn’s eyes ascended, agenda anew.

Azmir gave a firm nod before muttering, “We should. It is, by the way, what I pay you for.” The mocking in his tone was gentle, yet couldn’t be ignored.

“Okay…” Dawn breathed out, obviously taken by his crisp response to her. “…well, we’ve mapped out a plan that will include addressing the inquiry from calls that have been coming in from the magazines and bloggers you have established relationships with. They’ve heard about the incident involving Mr. Thompson and want details. Here’s how we’ll handle them…”

Dawn continued with strategy and Shayna filled in when it was her turn to speak. Though I listened fixedly, the tension looming over the table was palatable. No one was relaxed, not even Azmir, no matter how collected he appeared. This was going to be a long road ahead. Having to deal with the likes of Dawn Taylor would make the journey that much more arduous.


It’s a Saturday evening and I’ve just returned from visiting my brother, Kemee, in Jersey. I caught a flight out first thing Friday morning and arrived just hours before his allotted visiting time. I would have returned right after, but Azmir insisted that I stayed overnight to recoup from the long flight. I remember Michelle scolding me about staying a few days and I wouldn’t relent. But now that I’m with Azmir I agonize over being separated from him for even one night.

The past couple of weeks had been so intense, but slowly I’d adjusted to being back at the marina. In my most candid ruminations, I’d admit that I so enjoy seeing Azmir every night and waking up to him every morning. He’s made my life so adventurous and settled at the same time. I honestly haven’t felt so at home since living with my parents as a child. Azmir’s apartment was far warmer and more welcoming than my own house in Redondo. I cherished that.

Love Belvin's books