Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I couldn’t speak, I was frozen in my seat. What would I say anyway… I don’t want to meet with the woman who is at the root of this problem? That… there’s no possible way she could help map out a solution when she was, in fact, the problem? This couldn’t get any messier. How would I survive this season of Dawn Taylor? I had no clue, but quickly decided to keep moving forward. I wasn’t prepared to lose Azmir. I’d made that decision sometime last night. I would not forfeit whatever it is that we’ve been growing here.

True to his word, Azmir ushered me to the master bathroom and ran me a glorious bath in the Jacuzzi. He massaged me, limb by limb. He made nice with my body all right, my heart was a different matter. Something that a calming bath couldn’t settle. We talked and slowly readied ourselves with dressing for the meeting. On the drive there, I pondered on so much. I wondered what Azmir was feeling, was Thompson badly hurt from Azmir’s lightning speed jabs, was Dawn having a laugh at my expense, and how badly did she anticipate me screwing this up with Azmir so that she can sink her claws into him.

When we entered the upscale restaurant, my nerves started fraying immediately. I don’t know why Dawn represented such a threat to me, but she did. And it was clear she had some fixation with Azmir. Azmir gave his name and the hostess, who couldn’t get enough eye-time in with him, directed us to our table right away after informing, “Your party has been waiting on you, Mr. Jacobs. This way,” with a husky tone.

Ughhhhh! This wasn’t kicking off correctly at all. Azmir took me at the small of my back and I followed the tall brunette back to a secluded area. Right away Dawn and Shayna’s eyes were upon us. Shayna rose with a polite plastered smile, while Dawn remained seated along with her sinister sneer on her lips, but her eyes registered something entirely different. She actually looked shocked.

Azmir pulled out my chair, inviting me to sit before he greeted Shayna with a brief hug and Dawn with a handshake. Once everyone was seated, I noticed the uneasy expressions from both Dawn and Shayna. I felt out of place. Nervously, I brushed the back of my neck with my hand and glanced over to Azmir for guidance.

“Well, we didn’t expect you here, Rayna,” Dawn informed very perky in her tone, dripping righteous indignation. “After yesterday I thought you’d be somewhere…recovering from yesterday’s events.”

Already, her fangs were out, ready to attack. My heartbeat sped up and my body silently trembled. I wasn’t expecting her to come with it so soon. I didn’t want to engage in a war with her at this sensitive time in Azmir’s and my relationship. I tried to quickly center myself and play ball. I couldn’t let her back me into a corner. Not now. Not ever. But I had to move with tact.

“I have. And now we’re here. What do you have for us in terms of managing the chaos? It is your job, you know.”

Azmir grabbed my thigh from underneath the table before speaking, “Dawn, Ms. Brimm is here because this situation involves her. If we’re talking strategy, I’m sure it encompasses her. Here’s your opportunity to address her directly, but with diplomacy.”

“Sure, Mr. Jacobs. This is what we do,” Shayna spoke up, clearly attempting to soften the blow dealt by her partner. “Ms. Brimm, we don’t mean any harm at all. In fact, it’s important that you are here. There should be solidarity between you two. This is what we need to calm this matter.” Again, it was clear to me that there wasn’t a shared agenda between the two regarding Azmir. Her words didn’t do a lot to ease my nerves, but I appreciated the peace in her actions.

“Okay. First things first, are you two together…or will you remain together after yesterday’s event?” Dawn forged ahead with her Kill Rayna Dead campaign.

It was the best and the worst question to ask. Azmir and I didn’t have a title, therefore we’ve never been together. All we’ve had was an intimate relationship. This was the only thing that I was sure of.

Love Belvin's books