Love Redeemed (Book #4)

He heard.

Returning to me, his tongue trails the curve of my ear and he whispers, “What are you waiting for…I’m loaded tonight,” he sneers.

To any unknowing party, his command would have a semblance of abasement…disrespect. But to me, it’s an invitation to empowerment. I know this realm of his being—his need. He’s trained me and I’ve taken it further in gaining the mastery of pleasing Azmir. I’m supreme in satisfying him. This I know.

With athirst, I leap to undo his pants and push them down to his hard muscular thighs. The thumping from the bumps on the road makes it jerky, but we manage over it all. I’m drunk and unbothered by the disturbance. His wide-rimmed, thick, long, and glistening appendage plops up in the air. It throbs, matching the rhythm of my pulsating clitoris below. I feel nasty…dirty and ready to play lasciviously with him.

I lurch, taking him into my mouth, feeling a spike of adrenaline from the excitement of pleasing him. I wet him, using my tongue to sketch the long, thick, jagged vein that always catches my attention. Gloriously imbibed, I apply my soft chomps, fully awakening his thickness to be rewarded with Azmir, whistling air through his clenched teeth. I bob to a steady cadence in his lap, delightfully slurping him…on and on…on and on. I suck him in with gusto, relaxing the sphincter of my throat to let him in when he begins to pump into my face.

“Fuck, Brimm!” Azmir cries, untamed. Then I hear another increase of volume on the music. And now I know he’s losing control.

I’m so drunk, I don’t feel the discomfit of accommodating him, only the increasing desire to have him lose it…in my head. I feel the impressions from the pads of his fingers pressing into my lower skull. My fists jerk him firmly over the secretions of my mouth. His elongated thigh muscles flex against my elbows. When I finally think to peer up at him for an evaluation, I see his smoldering eyes, fighting for sobriety. My widely-respected, well-endowed, and authoritative mogul is empowering me once again.

After a while, I’m ready to unravel him. I know he’s ready. I remove one hand and lower it against his sac, intermingling my fingers alongside his fullness rhythmically.

His eyes fly open. “Gahhhhhhh!” he groans without reservation. “I’m about to blow,” he warns. As if I’m going to decline the most stimulating part of pleasing him.

I reposition myself against the floorboard, preparing to vacuum everything he shoots into me. This is where I want to be, theoretically, with Azmir. I want the ability to weather every storm that’s presented. I want the resiliency of resolve to remain through dark times.

As he shoots his warm, intimate specimens into my belly, I inhale every morsel with pleasure. But before I can relish in his completion, Azmir flips me across the opposing leather bench, rips my thong off, and push my legs in the air as he buries his face in the apex. Azmir laps his skilled tongue over my sex as he breathes with urgency, summonsing my release. I grab his head, feeling the pricks of his hair against the pads of my fingertips. I hold him close to me, not wanting to lose a moment of his diligence.

In my alcohol-induced emboldened state, I wish Dawn were here, privy to our tryst. As his big hands are splayed over the back of my thighs, pressing them toward the leather I wish she could observe our intimacy. Understand the intensity this man engages in with and for me. I so badly wish she knew how solid we are so that she can stay away. Far away. With Tara, it freaked me out learning she watched Azmir and me have sex. But for Dawn, it would be remedial. She needs to learn. To know.

My back arches off the bench. The thought of Dawn being away and having Azmir bobbing between my thighs, sparring at my pearl, takes me over the edge and clawing up the wall adjacent to the partition. The grasp of my clammy hands slips down the window before Azmir quickly grips my hips, pulling me back down to ride out my release. And I do, with shaky extremities and air violently soughing from my lungs.

Azmir flips me so that I’m upright against the back of the bench and my legs are stretched over his broad shoulders and scoots my pelvis against his. He’s on his knees before me, with the wide bulb of his erection positioned at my lips. Next thing I know, he plunges forward, searing me in two with the girth of his manhood.

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