Love Redeemed (Book #4)

I force a seductive smile as my eyes dance in his. I lift my glass, “Of course I’m not okay. I’m out of Mauve, honeee,” I slur in drag, sounding like Adrian.

Slowly, Azmir cracks that disarming panty-snatching smirk that gets me each time. Even through it, I can tell he’s trying to scale my mood. Azmir knows something’s off with me; you better believe I fight for a steely veneer. Dawn will not win! I hold onto my jovial mask. He doesn’t even turn his gaze as he raises his hand, calling the attention of a waiter.

“More Mauve or do you want something else?” he asks. Just then, in my peripheral, I catch Dawn grimacing at the back of Azmir’s head. I guess she wants his full attention. She looks angry that he isn’t available to her. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink so much brandy. It may put hair on your chest.”

Or have me put Dawn on her back!

“This is Mauve’s night. Bring it,” I challenge with a smile.

Azmir turns to the waiter dressed in all black to place the order. No sooner than the guy walks away Dawn stands and bends down to whisper to Azmir again.

When she’s done, Azmir turns to me and says, “There are a few people I’m being asked to mingle with. Wanna come?”

I nod my head and he advises, “Your drink is on its way. I won’t be too far. I’ll move slow,” before placing a warm kiss on my forehead.

“Okay,” I stand because I know the drink will be here in no time.

I watch Azmir go down the steps towards the main floor. As soon as his foot hits the first step, Dawn shifts to me. Her eyes are agenda-filled, per usual. “You can sit here and relax. He’s going to be a while, working the room. I’d hate to bore you.”

In this moment, I have to make the decision of slapping the taste out of her mouth or remembering that Azmir will be returning home with me tonight. I search every inch of Dawn’s face for a reason to bash it in, right in the middle of Azmir’s celebratory party. Just one reason! The bitch gives none.

“I’ll hang out for just a little while. Be sure to make him aware of your suggestion,” I say, trying to mask the venom.

I can’t hear it, but I see the snort as she nods her head before turning for the steps herself. I stay in V.I.P. for what seems like an hour. At first, I’m able to follow them in sight, but that’s until they make their way outside of my view. I can’t just sit back and wait in my seat as though I have no interest in being here with him for such a monumental occasion. I have to do something.

So, I make my way down to the main floor and thread through the crowd in search of six feet and four inches of sheer pleasure, to no avail. I attempt to circle the first floor. When that doesn’t work, I make my way to the second floor to circle there. I see Dawn almost immediately, but Azmir isn’t with her.

I don’t want to, but I head straight to her and ask, “Where’s the big guy?” I try to hide my disdain.

She holds up her index finger then starts typing into her phone. Seconds later she answers, “He’s on the third floor with Shayna, talking to Hill Harper. Maybe you can catch him there before he heads out of here and into the private rooms up there. That’s where the Moreau brothers are with their private guests.”

I nod before making my way through the dancing patrons. I search the third floor twice, even knocked over someone’s drink. I grow frustrated as I look over the balcony and see no signs of him. When I turn to head to the stairs, I see Shayna—alone.

I go to tap her arm and as soon as she registers my presence, her eyes enlarge. “Rayna! We’ve been looking all over for you. Mr. Jacobs is going crazy,” she visibly sighs.

“I’ve been walking all over this hall, looking for you guys. Dawn said you two were here, talking to Hill Harper. Where’s he?” I ask, referring to Azmir, of course.

She wrinkles her eyebrows, “Hill left hours ago. The three of us split up to look for you.” If I wasn’t so tipsy, I could swear to seeing her roll her eyes.

Dawn lied. She was supposed to be searching for me and when she saw me, she lied to keep me on a wild chase. My nails dig into the skin of my fists at my hips.

“I’ll find him. Thanks, Shayna,” I say before walking off.

I’m so damn upset that my head is throbbing. I need to breathe…a minute to think. I recall Dawn, in one of her many fallacies, mentioning private rooms on the third floor, so I head outside of the main hall. I pluck another tumbler off the tray of a passing waitress before heading out the door.

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