Love Redeemed (Book #4)

My face heats up at his repartee. I’m also warmed by realizing that I’m known to a select few of Azmir’s circle. Maybe the press doesn’t know who I am, but his business partners do. While satisfied with the sudden revelation, I glance over to the handsome man of the hour, who dubiously shuffles through his plate with his fork as he eats. His eyes find mine and obliviously, a contented smile crests upon his face. I join him. My heart swells.

Oddly, my eyes subconsciously go in search of a target and lands on Dawn who’s in the corner of the room gaping directly in my direction with a scowl plastered. I have no idea what she’s hitting at. No matter how much I try, I can’t get used to her creepy presence. She’s so entranced with Azmir that she doesn’t notice I’m returning her gape.

I have him, Dawn! He’s mine and you see it! What’s she hanging around for? For you to fuck up. My subconscious can be so cruel, abasing, and counterproductive. I go for my glass and tilt the remaining amber potion.

“Can we get you another, Ms. Brimm?” Jacques keenly offers. “Or would you prefer something lighter? I understand Mauve is a rather robust indulgent.”

I glance over to see Azmir raise his eyebrows and shrugs simultaneous, saying he approves, which is weird because I didn’t know I was asking for permission. Hesitantly, I shift back to Jacques and mutter, “Yes, please. Another Mauve would be great…thanks.”

He calls over to the waiter and orders another drink for the both of us. It takes less than thirty seconds for my drink to be set before me. I go for my first nip and swallow slowly.

“Good, aye!” Jacques trills. I smile.

Then I hear, “He may be doing a hell of a job being hospitable, but you’re going home with me tonight.” I glance up to find Azmir in my ear. His eyes are smoldering and his brandy-hinted lips are glistening. With a smirk, I nod in ascension.

After dinner, we’re escorted to the dining room. Dawn is front and center, directing us to the elevator so that we can join the after party that’s on the lower level. She lays her PR charm thick as she chats with the Moreau brothers about their formidable reputation. She mentions that the partnership is a no brainer considering Azmir’s long affinity for the liquor. Dawn shares how since working for Azmir she’s developed a taste for the amber juice herself as she clasps onto his arm on a snicker. I could choke her. Azmir holds my hand the entire trip, sometimes alternating to holding me at the small of my back. I’m grateful for that seeing Dawn is wearing his color and can easily be confused as his date.

Dawn continues entertaining the small group all the way down to the ballroom. We enter the dimly lit room to find the party in full swing with energized tunes bouncing off the walls. The place is packed. Of course, I don’t see any familiar faces, but per usual, people flood to A.D. They congratulate him for his latest venture. The waiters come with loaded trays and I’m given another drink—Mauve—that I that rip into right away.

I stay by Azmir’s side as he reciprocates greetings. I’m not totally surprised by the level of celebrity in the place. I prepared myself for it understanding that it comes with the A.D. parcel. Just during previous engagements, Azmir was discriminatory in choosing who he’d introduced me to. Unlike before, I’m not suspecting of it; I decide to believe he simply understands that I don’t like attention and would rather shadow him. Dawn never strays far. I can always count on her being near us—near him.

We eventually make it to V.I.P. where we sit and talk with more people. At some point, Shayna brings people over to pose for pictures with Azmir. It’s coordinated, so I know there must be a reason, but don’t quite understand it. Though I’m by his side, I make sure not to get in any flicks unless Azmir pulls me close to him. He does it when taking pictures with two women in particular, and strangely, I know he’s slept with them. I can tell by the way that he avoids their extended stares and lingering whispers into his ear. He also pulls me into him by the shoulders or waist during their brief stay. Both women get the hint almost right away.

Cameras are constantly flashing, but eventually they don’t disturb my inebriation. I’m on my fourth tumbler of Mauve when I realize Dawn’s sitting to the left of Azmir. It isn’t strange that she’s there so much as how long she’s there—and that she’s posed with him in more pictures than I can keep count of. I study her giddy expression as she keeps chatting with him and a few people on the other side of her side of her.

“You okay, Brimm?” Azmir asks in my ear over the pounding music, reminding me that Dawn has to be that close to communicate with him. But why that much? “You look a little tight.” He wears a look of concern.

I won’t crack. I won’t be affected by Dawn. It doesn’t matter that she’s been around Azmir tonight far more than her business partner. I won’t complain to him. I won’t ask that she trade responsibilities with Shayna. And I won’t ask that he rescind their contract. No! Azmir is mine. He’s coming home with me tonight and that’s all that matters!

Love Belvin's books