Love Redeemed (Book #4)

I gasp, “Azmir!” I trill, much to myself. I’m not sure why I’m so embarrassed. Perhaps because you have two people barely inches away who could catch a glimpse of your fiancé sexting you.

I text back: Why would you text me something like that?

I shake my head and giggle quietly, not wanting Adrian’s nosy butt to ask me who and what I’m texting.

“Because I asked you a question verbally and you didn’t answer,” Azmir’s silky thick voice chides, causing a sensation of warmth to blanket me. I can tell he’s feeling slighted, I just don’t know how much.

Thinking quickly, I type back: If I don’t will you take advantage of it?

“Maybe,” he growls aloud, “…maybe not.”

I jump up and around in my seat only to find him gone.

In the limo, en route to the venue, my nerves haven’t calmed in the least. I don’t know why, but I grow jittery. Azmir, on the other hand, looks mouthwatering in his dark blue Hugo Boss suit, black dress shirt, and matching oxfords. He’s left a few buttons undone in his shirt and each time my eyes catch the view, I can swear my tongue itches. His stark beauty and virile countenance always causes my breath to falter. And when I study his physique, my heartbeat doubles. As always, Azmir radiates reckless class and elegance. It doesn’t matter if he’s wearing jeans, sweats, basketball shorts, or tuxedo pants; he’s virile art on display. The allure is his incognizance to it.

He seems a little preoccupied himself, but far from suffering the nerve bug that I’ve succumbed to. I don’t know how he’s holding it together before such a big event. He’s asked if I’m okay at least a half a dozen times from his first sight of me in my gown until we arrive to the red carpet.

Red carpet.

Holy crap!

When I arrived at the hotel earlier, Shayna was there, providing the five steps, then pose method of walking the carpet. She forewarned about the earsplitting yells from paps, demanding eye action. My chant the entire prep time was I can do this…for Azmir, I can do this.

However, when Azmir pulls me from the limo with such glint in his eyes, and gives me a moment to adjust my gown, my balance sways as I gaze over Dawn Taylor. It’s not her usual sinister smile, hidden behind her usual crimson lips that has always raised my guards when in her presence. It’s not even how her pupils darken as she gawps Azmir’s virility that throws me. It’s that she’s wearing a sleeveless, full-length blue satin gown, appearing more like a partner in the signing rather than the handler of one.

Azmir must notice, too, because as soon as both our feet are planted on the concrete and we stand erect, he stills once he registers her presence. It seems like minutes before anyone moves or speaks. It’s suddenly and crystal clear to me that Dawn tried to throw me the shabby stylist to out-dress me for this event. What’s even more audacious is her knowing Azmir’s colors and matching with him. It all makes sense, but what am I to do; cry like a baby to Azmir and rat her out? No! I will not allow Dawn to affect me publically.

The screeching yelps for Azmir to pose is what snatches us from this extremely awkward moment. Azmir doesn’t speak to Dawn yet, but takes me by the small of my back, guiding forward. I don’t want to, but immediately tell myself this is one of those moments where I have to wear a mask of unyielding, unflustered confidence as it concerns her.

Dawn turns to Marcus, Azmir’s muscle, and asks him to follow another gentleman who will take him to the entrance of the venue where he’s to wait for Azmir to finish the carpet and then resume his duties. Marcus gives Azmir a look, asking if he’s cool with it. With a soft nod and a swift blinking of the eye, Azmir consents and Marcus walks off. Dawn lifts a virtually invisible wire from her jewelry-clad neck and speaks into it as she presses her finger into her ear, apparently listening in, communicating with someone.

Then, with her usual agenda-filled leer, Dawn directs with a long arm, “Mr. Jacobs,” she ducks her chin. “Rayna,” she gives me fleeting eye-action. “…this way. I’m sure Shayna has gone over the step/pose method of red carpet walking with you both. I’ll be here to direct you with this. Just be mindful that we must be thorough and quick. You will hear lots of demands, but please keen your ears to my calls as I will guide you through it all to maximize publicity.”

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