Love Redeemed (Book #4)

Timing is a muthafucka!

Rayna stops in front of me, placing her little hands on my chest then rub my pecs. “You don’t have an answer for your breaches, Mr. Jacobs?” she purrs. I don’t speak, still not able to formulate appropriate responses, being stuck between a rock and a fucking hard place indeed. “Fine,” she lifts an eyebrow and sighs. “You don’t want to use your mouth…” She lifts my shirt, scraping her nails against my abs. “…I guess I’ll have to use mine then, aye?”

Then Rayna’s hooded eyes descend along with her body.

Fuck! Ain’t this some shit. I don’t know if I’m more upset with myself for the reality of this situation or the fact that I can’t muster the self-control to tell my girl to hold off.

I feel her tongue run slivery down my abdomen as her featherweight hands arrive at the drawstring of my basketball shorts. I dip my head back because as much as I’m dying to feel her mouth on my cock, I know I can’t allow her to do it. But DAMN…when she presses her face against my pelvis and inhales my private hair, my chest jerks as warm air from the area hits her lungs and cool air replaces it in my boxers.

“Goddamn, Brimm,” I drag out on a breath.

“Mmmmmm…” she moans and I feel exhilarated and anxious out my ass at the same time. With both hands, she grabs the elastic waist of my shorts and boxers and pulls the front down, just enough to expose the base of my strongman as it’s straining just below the elastic waist. Her tongue swiftly attempts to curl around the base and my right hand slams against the marble countertop in an attempt to keep my balance.

“Goddamn!” I hear belting from a distance.

Apparently, Brimm’s heard it, too, because she jumps from her knees, quickly shuffling to fold her wrap over her breasts. Impulsively, I push her behind me.

Fucking timing!

Lenny stands there with his mouth agape and eyes stretched wide. Jackson’s next to him, trying to fight his burning grin by ducking his head while cupping his chin. Mia walks up behind Lenny, wearing a puzzled expression, trying to figure out what the hell’s going on.

Abruptly, Lenny pushes her behind him.

“Oh, hell no! Your dick looks like the size of an anaconda right now through those shorts. My girl ain’t witnessing that shit!” Lenny shouts over his shoulder while covering Mia’s eyes. And it’s a good thing; it would only take her seconds to figure out what they’ve just interrupted.

I know Rayna isn’t aware that our guests stayed overnight. She also didn’t provide me an opportunity to share this information either.

What a fucking inconvenient moment!

“What the fuck did you give Ray last night, man,” Lenny shrieks. “Whatever the hell it was, do share so that I can get down!”

“Fuck outta here, man!” I hiss then pivot my head to peek behind me and find a mortified and shaken Rayna, who pins her forehead against my shoulder blade with her eyes squeezed shut while she scrapes her top lip between her teeth. “This is why I’ve grown preferable to no guests.” I snort as I speak specifically to her.

“I’m hungry as a motherfucker, D. I was just coming in here to see if I could snack on something before we bounce,” Lenny informs as he makes his way farther into the kitchen.

I turn completely, bend down, and throw Rayna over my shoulder. She squeaks like a child, surprised by my maneuver. “Azmir!”

After making sure her ass is decently covered, I turn to face the crowd, of three now, in my kitchen and announce, “Brunch is on its way up.” I move toward the kitchen doorway opposite of the one the guests came into as I hold my lady by the ass. “I’m going to put my girl back to bed and will be back out to say my goodbyes when I’m done.”

I see heat rise from Mia’s neck, up to her face, the embarrassment on Jax’s, and amusement on Lenny’s. Rayna shrills and as I make my way towards the corridor, I feel a sharp whack into my ass.

“Azmir!” Rayna chides, but I can’t miss the huskiness in her voice when she speaks. My girl knows her reward is quickly approaching.


Two hours later, I’m back in the living room, kicking it with Jax. Lenny and Mia left right after brunch. I learned Evelyn left early this morning for a flight out to New Orleans. Rayna’s sleeping soundly after a long night and a rough late-morning fuck. Now it’s just me and my younger compadre, sipping on something wet—me on brandy, him on juice as I now realize Jackson doesn’t drink. It’s great having him in town. He’s almost like his old self, but I can see the stirred melancholy in his eyes. It’s almost as if his soul has been robbed.

“So, Evelyn?” I ask.

Arching his brows, Jackson exhales and returns, “Something like that.”

It’s now my turn to raise my brows.

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