Love Redeemed (Book #4)

“Yes.” She retrieves my bottom lip, making it hard for me to resist the waft of Cool Water hitting my olfactory.

“Rayna,” I force out, trying to capture her wild hands, roughly caressing my chest, arms and neck. “We can’t do this,” I whisper forcefully, feeling her tongue. Fuck! That tongue—makes its way down my neck via my ear. My breathing is out of control as she grinds so determinedly on my lap. This is hard—real hard. It’s my job to satisfy her—to extinguish her when she’s in heat. To put her ass to sleep when her * purrs like a starved cat. I have to regain my fleeting control.

“I want you in my mouth,” she pants, bringing those lush lips back up to my mouth as her soft hands aggressively go down to my pants, scooting her pelvis back to give herself room. Shit! If Rayna’s mouth—or hands—get near my strongman this resistance shit will be over and I’ll be face fucking and pinning her ass up against the dashboard in front of our mothers’ home. Fuck! I can feel my dick swelling even more at the thought.

Wait…is that a tear I taste?

“Goddamn, Rayna! Stop!”

She’s crying. Growing desperate my damn self, I grab the door handle, opening up the truck. I use my right arm to cross her back, pinning her against my chest, remove the key, and carefully leave the vehicle. I know I’ve fucked her under emotional circumstances, believing to be teaching her a lesson, but I can’t have her believe that sex is a way to communicate her pain or cure frayed emotions. We have to handle this differently.

Feeling the change in climate, on a panicked breath, Rayna shrieks, “Where are we going? I can’t go back in there!”

“Relax,” I bite out as I adjust to secure her on my waist.

Not wanting to cross the house and risk being seen by Yazmine or Samantha, I go in the opposite direction. Rayna begins crying into my shoulder, clawing my upper torso. I carry her like a toddler, feeling her need for comfort and soothing. I march down to the beach. Ironically, this was the way I walked after hours of sitting in the car, staking out Rayna’s house during, what she assumed was, our breakup. When I was on “duty,” I’d wait until I knew she was asleep and take this route to the beach sometimes for a run, making sure not to be seen. It seems appropriate at this time.

I walk and walk and walk. Rayna cries and sobs and weeps. I hold her close, protectively, needing her to get it all out. The front of my shirt is stained with tears. And when I feel a new tremor, one that comes from her body temperature lowering, I finagle my way out of my jacket and swath her chilled back like a baby.

I walk the beach with her in my arms for over an hour. There are times when my arms go numb, but I still clutch my lady, sensing her need for this; lulling her restless heart, calming her tortured spirit by way of the water. Water that at this time of the year supersedes the billowing of her troubled soul.

She cries for about thirty minutes and after she’s done and there’s nothing left but the hyper-activity of her diaphragm from the strong sobs she’s endured, I walk for an additional thirty minutes before returning a zombie Rayna to the Wrangler, strapping her in with the seatbelt, and covering her with my jacket before getting in and heading home. I don’t understand what freaked her out over dinner, but decide not to pry it out of her tonight night. Whatever it was spooked her. And I just want her past it.

Once at the marina, I run her a bath, sit and soak with her, meditate on her breathing. After that, I put her to bed and she drifts off almost immediately. I lay and watch her sleep for a while. So many questions running through my mind about this woman who holds a part of me that I didn’t know was available, leaving me so fucking vulnerable. I take some time to consider Samantha’s words of being patient with Rayna. I’ve asked her to spend the rest of her life with me; I’ll be nothing short of patient. She’s a rare treasure and I know this is a fragment of what completes the woman that I’ve fallen in love with.

Ha! Listen to me, all sentimental and shit! That’s what loves does to even a G.


Love Belvin's books