Love Redeemed (Book #4)

Azmir’s head shoots up to meet my hesitant gaze. Behind the smoldering in his eyes, I see determination. I’ve seen this mien before. He won’t be reckoned with.

“No, Mrs. Jacobs. You’re coming home where you belong,” Then he slowly strokes his still erect penis inside me, beckoning a moan from the back of my throat. “I can’t promise that I won’t fuck you into insanity, but I will agreeable to a sit down where I’ll answer all of your questions regarding my past.”

“In which order?” I muse.

“I can’t predict that. I can’t guarantee that there won’t be some fucking before and after said conversation either. It’s been a while…too long.” I hear the longing in his voice that can’t be confused with humor.

I nod slowly, as my eyes are held by his. I don’t think I have much choice in the matter. Azmir is giving his dominant CEO demeanor. And in all honesty, I miss this man like crazy. After having been so close to him, having inhaled him, made frantic love to him, I am in no way prepared to separate from him. I’m fully aware that I’m in bad shape now. My resistance has waned. I’m leaving here, tonight, with my husband.

Azmir rears to pull out of me. My body jerks in his withdrawal. He then shifts to leave the mattress.

“Wait!” I jump to turn off the light.

“Why? How am I supposed to see to put my clothes on?”

“I…” Quick, Rayna! “I don’t want you to see the mess made by mother nature over there. Let me sort that out before I turn the light back on for you to get dressed,” I whisper.

He doesn’t answer, and I take that as an agreement. I shuffle towards the corner where my underwear and tampon landed earlier and on the way, stub my toe on my purse. I cry out in pain, but never halt my stride.

“You okay?” I can hear Azmir make his way behind me towards the lamp.

“I’m fine!” I shout. “Don’t turn the light on!”

“Okay,” he shoots back. “Take it easy.”

Once I’ve put on my slip and gather the tampon that I wrap in my undies, I make my way to the door and crack it open, allowing the light from the hall to illuminate a path into the room.

“Okay,” I murmur. “You can turn it on now.”

And once it’s on, I take off for the bathroom.

Chapter 17


When I step onto the balcony, right off the great room, Azmir senses my presence and his head shoots up.

He slowly observes my Japanese wrap; I’m sure feasting on fond memories of me in this. I left my other housecoat in Redondo Beach, not having a moment to properly pack. Azna is squirming in my arms. I let him down and he takes off back into the house. He’s been at my heel since my return, but I guess the elevation in open air is too much for him.

“You’re not...clogged, are you?” The child—like nescience in Azmir’s eyes melts my heart and terrifies me all at once.

An unrelenting need to smile tugs at my lips, “No, I’m...well padded, though.”

We’ve made love again since arriving at the marina. It was most amazing, and I had to remove Azmir’s paws from hips before he took me again. He’s been insatiable and under different circumstances, I would be indifferent. We need to take things one day at a time from here on out. So much has come into play.

I move to the bamboo seat across from him and tuck my bare feet underneath me. On the center table between us, I see a glass of wine next to one of amber juice.

“I took the liberty,” he gestures nervously toward the table. “I went with Noir, but if you prefer Riesling, I’ll go grab you a glass.”

I can tell he’s struggling for that placid composure he typically exudes. For some reason, it doesn’t seem as easily applied tonight. So much has happened.

We are here to talk. It was verbally agreed that we’d consummate properly, needing to feel that connection, and we did. However, what can’t be ignored is the conversation of this man’s identities. I need to have knowledge of all of them to decide which if any I’ll acquaint myself with.

Azmir clasps his hands together, creating the smacking sound. My eyes jump, giving him my attention. His brows pucker. There is the impassive CEO. And suddenly I don’t care who I converse with, so long as I get the answers I need.

“Are you currently involved in...” my words fail me. I can’t believe the ones I’ll have to use to question my husband.

“ drug trade? No.” Azmir’s shoulders are poised and his big hands are folded in between his wide spread thighs. Oh, he’s ready.

And so am I.

“Since when?”

“Since the end of last year. I’ve completely resigned and have not been involved with any transactions or meetings, neither have I received any monies from that trade since.”

“How long were you involved?”

“That’s not an easy answer. I’ve been making money in multiple streams since high school,” he answers.

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