Love Redeemed (Book #4)

“Why are you here...dressed like this at this hour?” I ask, sounding more annoyed than curious.

Funny thing when you’re beefing with your spouse; asking trivial questions such as their whereabouts isn’t supposed to feel so odd and inappropriate, but they do in middle of a battle.

“I just left Chesney’s office. We’ve being going over documents—ill-formulated evidence, my business licenses, earnings, employee files, expenditures, business associates, former filings, travel...all types of shit,” he murmurs as he rubs his eyes.

Azmir is heavy-hearted, exhausted from the weight of the world resting on his mortal shoulders.

“I’m sure that was daunting,” I genuinely sympathize.

“You have no idea,” he exhales, massaging his temples as his elbows are planted in the mattress. “But nothing compares to the torment of losing you,” he adds on a whisper, looking deep into my eyes, the way he always does when he’s in search of my soul.

I shake my head in frustration of him mentioning us.

“Azmir, I just need some time to—”

My words are interrupted by his leaping towards me to cover mouth with his own.

In no time, he buries his tongue into my mouth. I’m besieged by the hint of spearmint on his breath and the urge in the lashing of his tongue. Azmir grabs the sides of my face with both hands in an ardent grip. Butterflies disperse in my belly as though it’s our first kiss. Naturally, my tongue responds and out of nowhere, my breathing increases. I’ve been so disconnected from my world that I’ve forgotten about the electrical currents that courses my frame when he touches me. My body begins to shiver, and suddenly he stops.

“It’s time for you to come home, baby,” Azmir’s weary gaze meets mine, and the determined gleam in them bears into me. “I’ve been sick without you. You’ve asked for time and I’ve given it. I’ve even used it to think about the confusion and pain I’ve caused you.” His eyes fall. “And what I’ve come up with is that I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. Rayna, I have very little reference of what life was like before seeing you in my boardroom that day, long ago. I need you—forever. No more secrets. No more hidden cards.”

His eyes are so weighed. I’ve never seen him so desperate or deprived before. His valor is absent. His bravado, on hiatus. His equanimity, completely gone. I don’t want to reduce him. I have no intentions on further breaking his spirit. I only wanted space to think about if this life with him is something I want.

My feelings of frustration, loss, emptiness, and confusion come rushing back in. On cue, my tears start to fall. “Azmir, you kept an entire life...a world from...” I have no more voice to speak.

“! No, baby. Don’t cry!” he whispers as he moves onto the mattress with me. “I only wanted to make you happy. Not betray you. I swear,” he continues before throwing his lips against mine and forcing his tongue in my mouth. Seconds later, his soft lips travel down the side of my face, onto my neck.

My intoxicated eyes slowly close, welcoming the passion. An involuntary moan slips my mouth. Azmir’s hands find the end of my slip and lifts it up to my belly.

Oh, no! What is he doing?

He then peels the strap from my left shoulder and kisses it tenderly. His lips light a torch to my skin, sending tingles trickling to my groin. Then he repeats the same with my right strap and shoulder. His soft, moist, and full lips cure every internal pain and cause my skin to prickle in excitement as I writhe beneath his exploratory mouth. He pulls the top of my slip down until my heavy breasts are freed and plop out. With wild eyes, he regards them before dipping his head and excitedly licks them. He exhales loudly and groans as he indulges. I feel my insides lubricating and struggle to put aside every carnal feeling to try to end this.

“Wait, Azmir...” I pant.


His mouth feels so good. My lower abdominal muscles tighten, alerting my conscience that my body is ready for intimacy with my husband, prepared to mate with my primal partner. With both hands he grabs my breasts, pulls my nipples close together, and licks them swiftly with delicious, firm laps.

“Ahhhhhhh!” I belt as quietly as I can as my body bows off the mattress. “Azmir, we can’t—”

I try warning him before he cuts me off, demanding, “Shhhhhhh...”

He greedily tugs at my panties, lacking finesse, but signifying his desperation and peels them off.

Oh, no!

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