Love Redeemed (Book #4)

Over the next few weeks, our regime returns. My contentment is being restored. We spend time with Erin who has a penchant for boats. Rayna has dinner waiting when I get in and sometimes we leave together in the mornings. I get busy with work, per usual, and this includes ripping into to Kid’s ass about locating D-Struct. I’m baffled by the hold up and don’t waste an opportunity letting Kid know.

The IRS probe subsides as my team and I provide what the government asks for and then some. Chesney’s inclination to outwit them also keeps my head above water. The attack will take months to victor, but the turbulence recedes in almost no time. That fucking Lombardi set off alarms that I insulated myself from over a decade ago when I mapped out my plan of one day getting the fuck out of the game. He may have rattled my boat with informing Rayna of my former life, but she stuck it to his ass when she decided to stay with me. I plan to finish his ass with a multimillion dollar lawsuit for fucking harassment as soon as I’m cleared with this IRS bullshit.

I eventually realize Rayna’s sick again. I suppose spending so much time with a toddler would wreak havoc on your immune system. She’s been sluggish getting out of bed and takes long periods in the bathroom in the mornings. Even her breakfast orders to Chef Boyd are light and barely eaten. One day, I came home early to grab something from the office and found her sprawled out on the couch in the great room. I didn’t question her, just made sure she was okay and had everything she needed before heading back out—actually I was shooed out in her crankiness. A sleepy Rayna is a cantankerous Rayna. It hadn’t bothered me in the least bit. My lady is home. The castle is now perfectly settled because of her return.

It’s the night before I’m due in Phoenix, when I come through the door, a waggling Azna meets me. I’m damp from sweat. I balled with Mark and Eric, which was less of a recreational activity and more of a sport in comedic comebacks and staying above the physical fray for Eric and Mark. They really need to invest more time into their bodies. I enjoy being with my corny ass friends and took it all in good fun.

In the master suite, I let Azna down and crawl on top of the bed to lay behind Rayna. Her back is to me and she’s underneath the sheets with her housecoat on. I don’t know if her current illness has caused her to feel delusional sense of cold or what, but she’s snuggled tightly under all the fabric. Her right arm instinctively comes up and wraps around my neck. She’s chewing gum, something she’s been doing lots of lately, either that or sucking on candy. I cup her at the waist and breathe into her neck, getting aroused by the familiar scent.

“Ewwwww…Jacobs, you reek!” she screeches as she crunches into fetal position.

Rayna never minds my odor after a workout or playing ball, in fact, she never utters a complaint. So I roll my tongue over the the smooth skin of her neck. Rayna moans as she recoils, innately yielding to my need of her. That’s all I need to know, I still impact her sexually.

“Be right back. I’m gonna shower,” I growl in her ear and regretfully leave the bed.

As I shower, I concoct a plan as to how I’m going to take my wife and bring her to another spine trembling orgasm, even consider bringing out the cuffs, making her ride me rodeo with no hands. I rush through my shower and hurriedly rinse off, foregoing the usual beating of my muscles underneath the scorching cascade. Once I’m toweled dry, I all but leap back into the bedroom only to find my wife, not only sleeping, but snuffling in slumber.


I feel brute for sulking, but I can’t lie, my sacs are heavier than a motherfucker. It’s been a few weeks. Nonetheless, I won’t wake her healing body. As I peel her out of her robe and tuck her in, I hope whatever new germs she’s caught from Erin quickly dissipate and when I return from Phoenix I can indulge in her playground again.

I end up back in my office to make a few calls and send out emails in preparation for my trip.



“Hi, Rayna!” Dr. Barnes greets with her Ruby Woo stained lips.

Although I’ve been waiting in here for over a half an hour, I can’t help but appreciate she’s definitely a diva with her straight bangs and long tresses falling beneath her shoulder in to a bob cut to precision.

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