Love In Between

“ANYONE ELSE?” A deep voice echoes down the hallway.


“Please just leave her,” he says groggily.


A grunt echoes up the stairs and then I shut my eyes to the world around me. I hear random screams and moans and then sometime, maybe hours later, or minutes, or days, I hear a popping noise. I don't know what it is and my brain no longer has the ability to expend the energy to figure it out. My mind has shut down and the only thing I can hear is screaming. It seems as if I scream for days. Months. I’ve been screaming for years.








Chapter One





“SO YOU KNOW how you said you had nothing going this summer?” I called my best friend from a coffee shop off the freeway just over the North Carolina state line.


“Yeah?” The hesitation clear in her voice.


“I’ve got something for you.” The excitement rippled through my voice.


“Since this is the first time you’ve sounded excited in a while, I’m all ears.”


“Great. I bought a house.”


“What?” Drew’s voice shrieked over the phone. I held it away from my ear with a smile on my face.


“I want you to spend the summer with me―it needs fixing up, but you can help me pick out paint colors and all that.”


“Wait, you and Kyle bought a house?”


“Not really. I bought a house. Kyle didn’t have much say in it.”


“Georgia Hope Montgomery! Did you break up with Kyle?” Her voice rose more than a few octaves.


“No, I’m just staying at the house this summer to fix it up and then I’ll rent it out next summer. You should see it Drew, it’s amazing.” I finished on a dreamy sigh.


“I don’t know. Dad probably wouldn’t be keen on me being away all summer. D.C. is far away.”


Drew was the accountant for her dad’s construction company. I knew she wouldn’t have a problem working from the beach all summer even if she would be more than a few hours away. “Please come. You can crunch numbers from anywhere, Drew. Let’s spend the summer together! We haven’t spent much time together since college. Silas has already agreed; it will be a blast. And it’s not in D.C.”


I heard a huff from her end.


“Where is it?” She sighed.


“That’s the best part, Drew―it’s on the beach.” My grin grew impossibly wider even though no one was there to see.


“The beach? Like, the ocean beach?” I could hear the excitement rising in her voice.


“The one and only. It’s thirty minutes outside Wilmington, North Carolina. I promise there’s plenty to do there, you can troll for hotties―there’s plenty of clubs...” I trailed off.


“You had me at beach. Although Silas...” She groaned when she mentioned one of my other closest friends since college. Silas and I were nearly inseparable. We’d both moved to D.C. after college when Drew had moved home to Jacksonville. She’d been bummed to be moving away from us; we’d had endless amounts of fun in college, but she and Silas bickered like an old married couple most days. For whatever reason, they did not click like he and I did. Perhaps it was because she had more competition when they trolled for men at the clubs. Silas was ridiculously charming and deliciously hot and operated under the assumption that he could turn even a straight man bi for at least one night.


“I know you love him deep down.” I grinned. “I'll tell him not to hit on anyone you bring home,” I teased.


“Actually,” I could hear the grin in Drew’s voice, “I’m seeing someone.”


“More than once?” I coughed on my drink.


“Yes, more than once. We’re pretty serious. He’s amazing in bed.” She sighed wistfully.


“How long have you been sleeping with him?” I rolled my eyes. Drew was famous for her unapologetic one-night stands.


“A few weeks.”


“Met him at the bar?”


“No,” Drew deadpanned as if she were offended by my question. “He came into the office, he had a meeting with Dad. He’s sexy, Georgia, like really sexy. Big and tall and cut, and you should see how big―”


“Great, thanks. He sounds great.” I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. “Back to the subject. Will you come? Take the summer. You, Silas, and me. We’ll soak up the sun on the beach all summer.” I heard an audible groan on the line.


“It won’t be complete without you.” I lowered my voice.


“Well, there’s a bit of a minor detail I failed to mention.”


“What?” I asked.


“Gavin, he’s―”


“Who?” I scrunched my nose.


“The guy I’m seeing,” she said.


“Oh, right. Tall, dark and handsome.”


“Right. So Gavin is having a house built this summer and is a bit homeless right now until it’s finished so he’s been staying with me,” she said the last part in a rush.


“You’re living with him?” I groaned.


“I couldn’t just leave him out in the cold,” she said.


“Right, and I’m sure the fact that he has a big d―”


“It doesn’t hurt...Unless I want it to...” She giggled and I groaned.


“How old is he, Drew?” I rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see. Drew had been known to date men far out of her age bracket and I wanted clarification before we went any further.


“Same as us―twenty-seven.”


“Surprise of surprises,” I mumbled.


“What?” Her irritated tone made it clear she’d heard me just fine.


“Nothing. So, you want Gavin to come too? Doesn’t he work?”


“From home. He’s an entrepreneur.”


“Aren’t they all?” I huffed.


“No, really. He does well with it if the house he’s building is any indication.”


“Ok, great. So Gavin can come too. I’ll put you in the room farthest from mine so I don’t have to hear your love romps.”


“I don’t know about love romps, but the man can fuck like a―”


“Great Drew, thanks. It’s going to be a great summer, I can see it now.”


“It will. I’ll call you once I make some arrangements. When do you want me there?”






“I signed the papers today. Got the key, and I’m headed there now. I’m a few hours away. Silas is meeting me there. Just come whenever you can.”


SANDI LYNN's books