Love Beyond Compare (Morna's Legacy, #5)

“My fault? What, did my rejection really wound your ego that badly?”

“Lass.” He grabbed the edge of the door, pulling it from my grip as he closed it before reaching for my hands and pulling me in close. “Yer rejection only endeared ye to me further. I couldna bed her because all I could think of was ye.”

I knew then that my earlier suspicions had been spot on. I was unfinished business—nothing more. I squeezed his hand gently—a gesture so reeking of friendship that I hoped it would break the sexual tension that permeated the room.

It didn’t help at all.

“Adwen, let’s just drop this. The only reason you’re so set on bedding me is because I didn’t let you. It’s a game. I’m a challenge. I’ll admit that you truly are one of the most attractive men I have ever seen, and there is a small part of me that wants nothing more than to let you just take me over and over until I pass out from too many orgasms.”

“I’d be happy to oblige ye, lass.”

I pulled my hand from his and put up a finger to stop him. “But…I am going to give you a hard pass. You are officially friend-zoned. I’m granting you the gift of my friendship, not of my body. I don’t sleep with my friends. End of discussion—think of me as you do Isobel.”

He shook his head, laughing softly. “I canna do that, Jane. I doona want to be yer friend, and ye doona wish to be mine.”

“Yes. I do.”

“I willna argue with ye, Jane. No with my words.”

He leaned in slowly, teasing me with his warm, sweet breath and the temptation of his lips as he touched them to me lightly before pulling away. He gave me time to stop his kiss. He meant to test me, to see if I’d meant what I said. I couldn’t bring myself to step away from him.

He knew the moment I allowed my resolve to slip away. In an instant, his lips met mine, not hard and rough as I’d expected but soft and slow as he seduced me into opening myself up to him. His tongue trailed my lower lip causing it to tremble as his hand grazed the side of my robe. I moved my hand to the back of his head, stroking the long strands of his dark hair as our mouths danced together.

I could’ve kissed him all night but, no matter how amazing his touch, it changed nothing. I didn’t wish to be with someone who would lose interest after we slept together. I wasn’t somebody’s conquest. I knew my own self-worth. I didn’t want one moment of weakness to create a month of awkwardness during our stay here.

“Adwen.” His name came out breathlessly, my body still not grasping the sanity that my mind demanded.

“Ach, Jane. I need to see ye, lass.”

“No. I’m sorry. I won’t.” I gathered the strength to push him away. I imagined the need in his eyes was a fair match for my own.

“Doona ye dare tell me ye wish to be my friend, Jane. We are past that now.”

“At first I want to be. You don’t know my last name, my favorite season, my favorite food. Nothing. I don’t know you either, Adwen. I know that’s how you prefer it; it makes it easier to cut bait and run, but I’m not some fish to be caught and then thrown back to sea. I’ve been that before—one too many times. I’m past it.”

A flash of hope sparked in his hungry eyes. “Are ye saying that if I become yer friend, then…?”

“Maybe. Okay? Show me that you have an interest in something other than my body, and we’ll see. Get to know me. Care about the parts of me that make me who I really am. It will make it harder for you to leave, but you won’t have any part of me until you at least try.”

“Perhaps, I doona wish to leave ye.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I’m a lot to handle. We’ll see what you think about me after you know more than the curvature of my lips.”

“Verra well, lass.”

He grinned before stepping past me and out the door. Once alone, I collapsed against the bed, covering my face with shaky hands. Oh, the dreams I would have tonight.


The stables were empty except for the horses, and all that lapped upon the shore were the waves. It was unlike Orick to be indoors this late into the morning, but Adwen knew it was the only place left to look for his friend—Orick hated being inside the castle even more than he did.

The small cottage was a short walk from the stables and had housed Cagair Castle’s stablemaster for more than thirty years, but Orick had changed all that in a day. Adwen thought back on the day his father took over as laird and the way every member of his family tried, to no avail, to get Orick to accept a room inside the castle.

Bethany Claire's books