Love Beyond Compare (Morna's Legacy, #5)

Adwen shook his head, even if what Cooper said was true, such a portal would have been found long ago. “No, lad, I doona think so. People have lived in Cagair Castle for many, many years. Such a powerful magic would have been found long ago if it existed.”

Cooper shrugged. Adwen couldn’t help but admire the boy’s self-assurance. It was a quality he could relate to. “Maybe, but maybe not. And if it’s here and hasn’t been found, I’m going to find it.”

“Aye, fine.” Adwen thought it might do the lad good to have a purpose here, some enjoyable task to fill his time. He’d grown up with brothers and had never known what it was like to be alone. Cooper, he imagined, had spent many years finding ways to pass his time singly. “Just swear to me ye will be careful in yer search for it. Doona go or get into a place that might harm ye.” He paused, knowing full well the possibility that the magic could exist. “And Cooper, should ye find it, doona ye dare go through it. Aye?”

The curious child smiled at him, nodding as he mimicked their Scottish brogue. “Aye, I swear it to ye, Adwen.”

Adwen grinned and nodded in appreciation of Cooper’s acknowledgment. “Good. Now, I came to seek the help of both of ye, no to speak of ghosts and magical portals.”

Orick crossed his arms, the smug look of rightness crossing his face just as Adwen had expected.

“Oh, now ye seek my help. Now that ye know I was right, and ye have seen what a foolish sot ye are.”

“Aye. Despite yer talent for repelling lassies, ye seem to know a lot about them. I need yer help with Jane.”

“Aunt Jane?” Cooper spoke up, resuming his work on his fish. “I thought she liked Orick.”

Adwen’s teeth ground together involuntarily. “No, she doesna care for Orick.”

“Oh. Okay.” The boy shrugged and bent to his fish, no longer interested at all.

“Adwen, as long as ye realize that lassies are no to be treated like objects then ye doona need me help. Just be yerself around her, no a stranger.”

“Yeah.” Adwen twisted toward Cooper, who obviously missed little no matter the direction of his focus. “That’s good advice, ’cause Aunt Jane loves me, and I don’t try for anybody. It’s something my Bebop taught me. I just need to be me because there’s nobody else that can be…me.”

Adwen laughed and moved to squeeze the boy’s shoulder. “Aye, I hope ye never do change, lad. Should I know of anything to no do with yer Aunt Jane? Things that she doesna care for?”

The boy shrugged beneath his hand, glancing up over his shoulder at him. “Nah. Aunt Jane’s pretty easy. There’s only one thing that puts her in a really bad mood really, really fast.”

“And what might that be?”

Adwen laughed at the boy as he extended his leg and wiggled his toes within his shoes, giving his answer.

“Cold toes.”


The wind woke me from a deep sleep and, despite the sound of the cold breeze, I lay warm beneath thick wool blankets. I stretched lazily, spreading my legs out across the bed and twisting my arms over my head until I squealed from the yummy stretching sensation.

I made my way slowly out of the bed and walked curiously to the door, pessimistically not expecting the same luxurious treat to be awaiting me. I smiled as I eyed the tray of breakfast sitting just outside my door, just as it had been the day before. I appreciated it immensely. It did nothing but thaw my quickly melting resolve against Adwen a little bit more.

I’d never understood the desire or expectation that everyone gather for breakfast together. Who wanted to eat in front of others first thing in the morning? It’s not like anyone ever did any talking anyway. Everyone just sat around chewing their food and wiping the sleep crust from the corner of their eyes. It pleased me to know that Adwen must feel the same way, to have food delivered to our rooms two mornings in a row. It was reminiscent of a stay at a fancy hotel, one of the things I missed most about the twenty-first century.

Living in New York City, there were tons of fabulous hotels to explore, and it had been a luxury I indulged in regularly—my mini “stay-cations” within the city when I would book a hotel room only two blocks over just to get away for the weekend. What I wouldn’t give for just one more of those weekends—the fancy sheets, the mini bar, the room service, the spa—oh God, the spa, it made my toes curl just thinking about it.

Steam from the hot tea reached my nose, and I shook my head, dismissing the daydream. I bent down to gather the tray, bringing it inside so I could scarf down the meal in early morning solitude, just how I preferred.

Underneath the bread, I found a small note, scribbled in legible but scribbly writing, no doubt the hand of a man.

“Baked by my own hands, just for ye. Mayhap I could give ye a lesson. –

Your friend, Adwen”

I smiled, biting into the loaf as I thought back on the way Orick had nearly barfed at the first bite of my bread. It was a reminder of that night, a subtle gesture to show me that he remembered more about that evening than my refusal of him.

Bethany Claire's books