Love Beyond Compare (Morna's Legacy, #5)

At that, Cooper jerked his hands from my grip before shaking them out in disgust. “Then what are you holding my hands for? I don’t want a rash, Aunt Jane.”

I opened my eyes as wide as I could force them as I tried to show Cooper I was fibbing, but the damage was already done.

“Let me see yer hand, lass. If ’tis a rash, perhaps we can find ye a salve.”

I’d backed myself into a corner, and I knew there was no way I could get out of the situation without drawing even more attention. Cringing, I extended it toward him.

His ran his fingers across the soft flesh of my palm, glancing down at them with feigned concern.

“I doona see a rash, but riding can be rough on yer hands. I’ll have a solution sent to yer bedchamber to soothe it.”

“Thanks.” I pulled my hand from his grasp, hating the fluttery sensation that shot through my abdomen as he touched me.

“Now,” Adwen turned to address the group, “allow me to show ye the castle. Then I’ll see ye each to yer chambers so that ye can rest and refresh yerselves before the evening meal.”

I didn’t feel the need to traipse around the castle by Adwen’s guided hand when more than likely I knew its hallways better than he did—I’d lived in it longer than he had. “Actually, would you mind just telling me which room is mine? I’m sure I can find my way there.”

Adwen spoke over his shoulder at me as he guided us all inside. “I’d forgotten that ye’d been to the castle before while we were away. Are ye sure ye doona wish to join us?”

Cooper spoke up, always ready to be helpful. “She’s done more than visit, she used to live here!”

Adwen said nothing but threw me a questioning glance before Isobel spoke up in confusion.

“Ye have lived here, Jane?”

I moved in close to her and tried to dismiss her question where Cooper couldn’t hear me. “He’s got a vivid imagination—likes to come up with all sorts of stories.”

I suspected that Isobel didn’t quite believe me, but she said nothing more. Once we stepped indoors, Adwen moved to my side.

“If ye truly wish to go to yer room now, ’tis the one at the base of the tower. Do ye know the one I speak of?”

“Yes.” I rustled Cooper’s hair before taking a step in the room’s direction and twisting to face Adwen. I leaned in close, reaching my hands up to pull at a long strand of blonde hair sticking out from underneath his winter coat. He stilled as he realized what I held.

Without expression, I twirled my fingers so that the strand fell to the ground. “Seems your hair is changing colors, Adwen.”

Leaving him speechless, I took my leave.


I settled easily into the room, familiar with it upon first entry—it had been the very room I’d chosen for myself during my time here. A bath sat waiting. Whatever his whoring habits, I appreciated that he’d at least been thoughtful enough to think about what we would need and have it prepared for us ahead of time.

It took me all of five seconds to strip out of my filthy riding clothes and sink into the decently warm water. Scented with lavender oil, the smell did help ease my frustration. I moaned as I bent to rub on my heel, pushing and pressing to ease pent-up pressure.

There was a light knock on the door accompanied by the sound of a woman’s voice.

“I doona wish to disturb ye. I just mean to let ye know that there’s a robe for yer use on the bed, and yer belongings have been placed just outside the doorway. Can I help ye with anything else?”

“No. Thank you.”

I’d not noticed the robe before but, sure enough, as I twisted in the tub, there it was. Once I heard the woman’s footsteps retreating, I decided it was time to get out of the tub. After slipping into the thick, warm robe, I opened the door to gather my belongings, all of which had been placed with separate horses that had ridden ahead of us.

Adwen stood in the doorway.

“Jane, I see ye’ve enjoyed a bath.”

“Yes.” I waved my hands downward at the robe in a sort of duh motion that only seemed to cause his eyes to rake over my slightly suggestive apparel. “Are you finished with the tour? Where’s Cooper?”

“Cooper asked if he could stay with Orick. Orick dinna mind so I gave the lad permission.”

“The permission wasn’t yours to give, Adwen.” I brushed past him, stepping out into the hallway to gather some of my things. He stopped me before I could reach them, gathering everything up in one armload as he moved to place it near the bed before returning to the doorway to yank me inside.

“Doona expose yerself in the hallway, lass. Ye are no dressed properly.”

Bethany Claire's books