Her Bad Boy Billionaire Lover (Billionai)


Two months later

Jake met her eyes in the mirror. "What do you think?"

"Not that one," she said. "The other one."

He held the tie up to his collar. "Are you sure?"

She nodded vigorously. "That's the one."

He'd never been very good at tying bow ties but this time he got it right on the first shot.

"Does your leg still hurt?"

"I don't think I'll notice it today." He turned around to face her. "So how do I look?"

She made a show of looking him over. "Just right."

He held out his hand. "Time to hit the road."

"Okay, Daddy." She put her hand in his and his heart nearly burst from his chest. He doubted he'd ever get used to the wonder of it all. She looked so grown up in her fancy dress and earrings. Only six years old yet he could see her mother's grace in every gesture she made.

The transition from stranger to father had been so easy that sometimes he wondered how it was he'd been born beneath such a lucky star.

Jenny tugged at his hand. "Come on, Daddy! Mommy's waiting for us in the living room."

"Just a minute, Jen." He bent down and enveloped her in his arms.

Even now, two months later he couldn't quite believe it. This beautiful and independent little girl loved him. She was still a handful, too smart and too precocious for her own good, but the love was there and the trust and he knew that with those two items on his side, everything would be all right.

"It took you long enough." Megan was waiting near the window. She looked like an angel in her ivory dress and upswept hair. "I was beginning to wonder if you two developed cold feet."

Jenny giggled. "It's hot today, Mommy! How can you get cold feet?"

Megan's eyes met his from across the road. He swore he could see the ties that bound them together shimmering in the morning sunlight.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. A simple question but the most important one he'd asked in his life.

"Positively wonderful," she said, her face aglow with happiness.

He felt a crazy smile tugging at his mouth. "Positive?"

She nodded. "Positive. Think that fancy sailboat of yours can handle all of us?"

He swept her into his arms and started for the door to their daughter's delight. "We'll buy a bigger sailboat."

"Daddy, you're supposed to carry Mommy in not out!"

"Rules are made to be broken, Jenny. Especially on your wedding day!"

He thought of the years without Megan, without Jenny, then tried to imagine a future without them at the center of it all. He couldn't. They filled his life the same way they filled his heart and he knew that the best years of his life were yet to be.

"Poor Jake." Megan nuzzled against the side of his neck. "Your life will never be the same."

"I know," he said, as they stepped out into the sunshine. "Remind me to thank you tonight."

Life was good.

And Jake Lockwood was a happy man.

~~The End~~

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