Heart Recaptured

“Beautiful?” I echoed, Maddie’s words swooping to steal my breath away.

“Since he began to teach you, he has changed. I watch people closely, sister, from my place by the window. I know I am like a shadow, never doing much but gazing to the world outside while I hide away in here like a scared child. But I am not ready to venture outside yet. And until that day, I watch, and I learn how to behave to survive outside of The Order’s strict rules. And sister, I have watched Ky very closely.”

I swallowed, waiting for more information. My heart beat a heady rhythm in anticipation.

“When we first came here, he was happy, seemed to enjoy women and his life, but his smile did not reach his eyes.”

“Go on,” I prompted, leaning in closer.

Maddie ran her hands through the ends of her long black hair and continued. “But now, when he smiles at you, his eyes smile too.”

“They do?”

Maddie’s lips curled in happiness. “He no longer looks at other women, though they lustfully look at him. He watches only you. Sees only you. Smiles at only you… I think, for him, you are the brightest star in his sky, blotting out those who have come before.”

My heart wanted to burst with the warmth those words inspired within me. Maddie’s soft hand suddenly laid on mine and the simple gesture of comfort from my sister almost made me cry. “It is beautiful,” she affirmed, sincerely.

“But Maddie, he is not of our faith, is he? It would be wrong… to return feelings for him too, to want him, would it not?” I asked, for once putting my guarded heart on my sleeve.

Maddie pulled on my hand and brought me forward, only to wrap me in her slim arms. The comfort from my usually-distant sister caused my heart to swell and, for once, I let myself just feel my true feelings, and I knew at that point that Ky was the brightest star in my sky too.

Maddie’s gentle hand ran down my hair and she said, “I think that love is love, no matter the flaws, or faith of the person you choose to give your heart to. We are all fallen in some way, Lilah, none of us perfect, but to feel someone’s unconditional love, surely that is all that matters in the end.”

I closed my eyes, feeling so full of hope that I felt it radiating from my pores. Pressing a kiss to the top of Maddie’s head, I went to speak, when lights suddenly flared down the distant road illuminating the room, cutting off my sentence, and the familiar roar of engines filled the night air. My heart instinctively raced and excitement coursed through my body.

He was back.

I watched through the window with rapt attention as the bikes came closer and the gates began to open. One by one the bikes roared into view, and I recognized Ky at the front, his long blond hair tied back with a leather string and his broad body taut under his dirtied-by-the-road white shirt. Men filed in after him, Viking, AK, Smiler, Tank, and Bull.

Ky removed his helmet, raking back his messy hair, and people swarmed around him, welcoming him home. Moving from the window, I ran to the bathroom and retrieved my headdress. Tying it in place, I straightened my dress and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” Maddie asked, moving from the bed to stand before me.

“I must greet Ky from his journey.” I reached for the doorknob, but Maddie took hold of my hand.

“Lilah, you know we are to stay away from downstairs when there are people here. The rules are that you be with a brother for protection or you expose yourself to danger. We have both seen what happens to women unaccompanied by a Hangmen brother. They are treated like trash.” Her voice quivered. She was afraid for me.

Stepping up to her small height and placing a hand on her shoulder, I said, “I shall be with Ky momentarily. He will protect me. I trust him.”

Tillie Cole's books