Heart Recaptured

A hush fell upon the commune, and I waited for the perfect moment to continue. A soft wind blew, shaking the trees, and I smiled. This somehow felt… right. Fated. Prophesized.

“Our Lord has called for us to unite, to join together against evil, against those who try to destroy our faith, against those who would distort the infallible and perfect word of our creator.”

My people leaned forward, hanging on my every word. When I looked to my right, Judah and the elders were doing the same. I had them in the palm of my hand.

“The devil walks among us, and I know this to be true. I have lived with his denizens, walked alongside them, and witnessed their sinful ways. It cannot be tolerated and it must be stopped. We, the chosen people of New Zion, have been given a crusade to exact revenge on those who wronged us, those who murdered our holy brothers. Mark this night as history among our people. For tonight I call Bellum Sanctum… a Holy War against Hades and all those who defend him, all those who spread their immorality and wickedness like a plague.”

This time my people could not contain themselves and rose to their feet, praising the Lord, signaling their agreement.

I watched the scene and a fire ran through my veins. A bolt of adrenalin surged through my body, and I felt my soul merge with the divine. Every cell in my body vibrated with raw power, my mind expanded with a newfound knowledge delivered spiritually from the Almighty himself. I felt omnipotent and omniscient, a veritable god among men.

I had… Lord! I had become the Messiah!

As I looked upon my people, my eyes flared with excitement. They praised me, yelling and rapturous in their devotion. My people were united. We could not be stopped. My people were fueled with the Lord’s wrathful revenge, an army of pure-souled soldiers, thirsty for my command.

Holding up my hands, I gestured for the congregation to calm. A silence fell upon the throng as my heart thundered in my chest. “We will dedicate all our time to the new crusade. Men will become skilled soldiers, fierce warriors against sin. Women will do their duty as sisters, as celestial daughters, and share in God’s love the best way they know how. They will relieve the burden the men will face, care for them, nurture their whims. We shall prevail as one people. We will be stealth in our approach; we will strike unannounced when the Lord reveals it is time. We shall become a plague on evil, a plague of pure light that destroys the darkness of sin and wrongdoing throughout God’s precious humanity. Just as the Lord cast plagues on the Egyptians, freeing his people, we too will be victorious in this fight!” I raised my voice and the congregation shook and dropped to the floor in praise.

Spreading my arms wide, I bellowed, “I AM Prophet Cain! I AM the way. I AM the light. I AM your new shepherd. My brothers, my sisters, join me in God’s quest to finally rid this world of its malevolent demons, of Hades’s plan to plunge this world into a living breathing hell. Rise with me. Fight with me. For I AM the door to Heaven… I AM the key to our salvation!”

The people lost control, overcome with emotion. The Holy Spirit took over their hearts and raised them to a celestial high. I watched and rejoiced that they had believed every word I had said.

All I could do was stare and stare at the rapturous crowd.

Had the Lord spoken through me? Was I his intermediary? Was I the word… Was I truly was a prophet of God?

Could it be true?

A hand rested on my shoulder and squeezed. I turned to find Judah at my side. He opened his mouth, tears running down his cheeks. He then shook his head as he choked on his words, too emotional to speak. I pressed my forehead to his and my palms on his cheeks. My twin clearly believed I was the new Prophet and we savored this moment. I knew this day would change everything. We had both waited for this day our entire lives, but the reality of being here was almost too much to take.

Tillie Cole's books