Heart Recaptured

“Brother…” Judah rasped and gripped me tightly. “You are going to save us all.” His eyes met mine and he kissed my cheek. “You are going to save us all…”

Holding my brother, I looked up to the sky, closed my eyes and prayed, Lord, please give me the strength to see this through. I shall do whatever you command of me. I submit myself to you…

Chapter Eleven


Cowboy and Hush rolled up on their bikes. The lights from their machines cast a glow over the yard. After parking near the garage, they dismounted and joined the barbeque. They smiled as they made their way into the crowd, hugging the women and shaking hands with the men. They too had been on a “run,” doing business for the club in the outside world. A different run from Ky, but according to Ky, it was “club business,” hence, I would never know what they had done.

A part of me did not want to know. I had begun to trust these two men, and of course Ky. That was my miracle, and I did not care for the reality of their work to spoil it.

The sound of high-pitched laughter rang out in the night, and my attention went straight to two scantily dressed blondes: Tiff and Jules. As they left the yard for the bar, Jules looked to me again and threw me a mocking wave.

“Why is she doing that to you?” Maddie asked, suddenly joining me at my side.

Shaking my head in confusion, I replied, “I do not know. I do not even know her.”

“She used to be with Ky, did she not?” Maddie said and my stomach turned at the thought of how he used to grope the two women, touch them in inappropriate places. A horrible twist in my stomach made me feel sick, and I realized that I could not stand the thought of Ky with anyone else.

Trying to shake the nausea, I watched as Cowboy slung an arm around Hush’s shoulders and led him to a secluded bench where the two of them sat, opening bottles of beer.

“What do you think they did on their ‘run’? Something bad?” Maddie asked and pointed at Hush and Cowboy.

“I have no idea,” I answered. “But Hush and Cowboy are good men. They are always so nice to me.”

“Are…are Hush and Cowboy nice to you because they want you carnally? Do you tempt them?” Maddie asked.

My stomach fell at the thought.

I cast my gaze upon them sitting on that bench, now talking quietly, and said, “I desperately hope not. They seem sincere. It would devastate me if I discovered I had lured them in.” I did not know what it was, but I honestly did not think they viewed me in such a way. I preferred to believe they liked talking to me, for me, not my looks.

“Is…?” Maddie dropped her head and stared wistfully at the exit to our room. “Is it possible for a man to like or… want us and it not be due to our beauty?”

Answering Maddie’s rather out-of-character question, I replied, “I do not know, sister. Mae seems to think so.” I watched her green eyes soften with relief… excitement, perhaps? And I added, “Is there a reason for your question?”

Maddie sighed and rubbed at our tattooed wrists, the tattoos forced upon us as children: Revelation 21:8, the mark of our people.

“No reason. I just… It is just that someday… Well, it would be lovely to think that a certain… man, a protective and strong man that I trust, may help me know what it is to love. What it is to feel safe… with him, because of him and maybe… maybe…”

“What, sister?” I asked, edging closer to hold her hand.

Her big round eyes blinked furiously, trying to chase away tears. Then she whispered, “Maybe I could make him feel safe too.”

I had no words. Instead, I squeezed her hand in support. I wished strongly for that future for my broken, damaged Maddie… and the man that had made her consider such things.



“Does Ky make you feel that way? The way you both look at one another… It is… it is…” She smiled. “Beautiful.”

Tillie Cole's books