Healing Love (Love to the Extreme #4)

He’d downplayed the fights to Kelsey, because he was ashamed to tell her the truth. Since he had more experience than the other fighters, the high rollers had wanted to see him put to the test before they placed any bets on him. The cousins had made it clear that since this wasn’t a paid event and no bets were being made, he wouldn’t get credit for these fights. When he’d instantly refused, they’d put the smackdown on him. He either fought or they involved Piper.

So he’d fought, all the while knowing he wasn’t getting paid. With each opponent he went against, his fury had risen. He’d be damned if they’d hold Piper and his daughter over his head every goddamn time they wanted him to do something. He was no one’s fucking puppet. The decision was made. He was going to finally talk to his ex-wife and tell her everything. He was terrified of losing his daughter, but he couldn’t have Skylar around this. And her needs came before his. Period.

He was about to take the control out of the McNealys’ hands, and they were going to be pissed. The last thing he needed was for them to switch their focus from the weakness he had for his daughter to the weakness he had for the woman upstairs.

Had they kept to the original fighting agreement, they’d have no issues. He’d fight and give them the money. But this bullshit strong-arming and threatening was going too far with him, and he would not tolerate it. There was a quicker way out of this and he was damn well going to find it.

Chapter Six

Lance kept his attention on the road, aware of Skylar’s continuous stare. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen him this way before. But he always prepared her for it. Let her know he was going into the cage, and he’d be a little banged up afterward. This morning, however, she’d burst into tears when she’d come downstairs and seen him, something he’d never dealt with and didn’t know how to handle.

He’d made his decision last night, but seeing Skylar’s reaction had solidified it. It was time to tell Piper the truth. If he lost Skylar, then he had no one to blame but himself, but he refused to have her anywhere near him when the bushwhackers were watching his every move.

As he cut off the engine to his Jeep in front of Piper’s, he inhaled deeply. God, he didn’t want to tell his daughter this. “Baby, I need to talk to you about something.”

“What, Daddy?”

“I’m going to have to go away for a bit, okay?”

The tears that immediately brightened her eyes felt like a sledgehammer to his chest. “W-why?”

“I have to take care of some things and it’s best if you stay with your mom while I do it.”

“But I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too.” From the emotions suddenly strangling him, he had to clear his throat. “I’ll call and check in as often as I can. It’s just for a few weeks. When I’m done, everything will be better. I promise.”

Her bottom lip trembled, but she finally nodded.

“Now I want you to go inside and tell your momma I need to talk to her.”

She threw her body across the seat and latched her arms around his neck. Against the threatening sting behind his eyes, he closed them and squeezed her tight. He was doing this because it was best for her. He had to remember that.

“I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you, too, baby.”

She pulled away and then ran up the walk into the house. Lance’s muscles screamed in protest as he climbed out of the Jeep. Sore was not a strong enough word to describe the agony burning through his body. In almost twenty years of fighting, he’d never taken on three men in one night, and he felt every punch and kick he’d received.

Closing the door behind him, he waited for Piper to come out. This wasn’t going to end well, and he still wasn’t sure how to tell her. But there was one thing he was sure about. He wasn’t going to lie.

Piper closed the door then hurried down the front steps. As she neared him, her eyes rounded, and she froze. “What the hell, Lance?” Her head whipped toward the house then returned to him, fury etched in every line of her face. “Did you fight with Skylar there?”

“I need you to listen.”

“Listen? Listen? You show up last night completely fine and take our daughter out only to return looking like you’ve gone twelve rounds in a boxing match. What the fuck, Lance?”

“She didn’t see this happen.”

“Where was she then?”

A part of him wanted to say with Gayle, but he couldn’t allow this to continue.

“With a friend of mine.”


“I need you to listen.” That had come out harsher than he’d intended, but at least she’d snapped her mouth closed.

She crossed her arms under her breasts. “Fine. Explain to me what the hell’s going on.”

He swallowed. “Do you remember the loan I took out for Skylar’s treatment?”

She nodded.

“I didn’t get that loan from a bank.”

Her arms slowly lowered to her sides. “W-who did you get it from?”

The lowering of her arms signified she’d figured out who the second he’d said the money hadn’t come from a bank. She just didn’t want to voice it. “Who do you think?”