Healing Love (Love to the Extreme #4)

Convinced he wouldn’t have any lasting damage from the head wounds, she said, “Take your shirt off.”

“Why, Dr. Watts, we just met.” Amusement tinged his words. She felt anything but lighthearted. The man scared her. Not in the way her ex did, but by the way he made her feel. She was torn between the Lance she knew, and the Lance she didn’t.

“Take it off, Romeo,” she said, keeping to the carefree atmosphere he was trying to set.

As he tugged the shirt over his head, all the bad thoughts flew out the window. She’d seen Lance with his shirt off—from a distance, while he was in the cage—and the sight had been mouthwatering. Up close? Holy Mother of God. The grooved lines of his pecs and abs were captivating. She wanted to trace each muscle—and not from a professional standpoint.

“I need—” She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I need for you to lie flat.”

“Yes, doctor.” A husky timbre deepened his voice, causing exciting sparks to trigger over her body.

You’re a doctor. Act like one.

As Lance stretched out, muscles galore flexed and twitched. Jesus. She swallowed. Never had she felt as unprofessional as she did right this second. Her heart thumped against her ribs, her breathing escalated—all from the anticipation of touching him.

After he had himself comfortable, she reached both hands forward to press on his abdomen. Just inches from his skin, the heat of his body greeted her palms, and she hesitated. Not once in her career had she ever had difficulty examining a patient. She was always in doctor mode, but for the life of her, all she was aware of was Lance, laid out before her half-naked, and what an enticing image he made.

“You can touch me, Kelsey. I won’t bite.” The whispered words might as well have been shouted, the way they filled the room. Heat flooded her face.

“Just trying to figure out where I should start.” The words fell flat even to her own ears.

“Sure you are.”

Damn him. Mentally yanking on her doctor cap, she blocked out Lance and forced herself to focus as she ran her fingers over his abs, pressing here and there. A low contented groan came from Lance, and Ella yanked her hands back.

“I don’t think anything’s broken. You’re going to be sore as hell, though.”

“No joke.”

With his head leaned back against the throw pillow and his eyes closed, Ella took the moment to openly admire him, wishing she had an excuse to brush her fingers across his skin again. Though, she probably didn’t need one, if his response to her examination was any indication.

“Anything else hurt?” she asked, damning the hope she felt. What kind of person hoped something else hurt, just to have the opportunity to lay her hands on him again?

“Yeah. Here.” He turned his head away from her and tapped the side of his neck with a finger.

Her throat closing, she leaned over him to get a better look. No bruising marred the skin, but one of the punches he took could’ve strained the soft tissue of the neck. She gently cupped his cheeks and turned his head toward her. He didn’t flinch at the movement, just kept his eyes closed, his face relaxed.

“Maybe you should—”

Strong fingers suddenly wrapped around the back of her head as Lance lifted his head and pressed his lips to hers. The amazing warmth of his mouth against hers shocked her and she tensed. But only for a brief second, as the soft teasing of his mouth lured her into surrender. She’d been fighting this moment for so long, had been plagued with erotic dreams about what being with this man would be like—and she was finally tasting her first sample. It was more than she ever imagined.

As she melted against him, he tugged her down on top of him and brushed his tongue across her lips. Without hesitation, she parted them, allowed him entrance. It was the first time in a long time she lost herself in a kiss—no thoughts, no worries, just enjoying the intoxicating feel of his tongue sliding against her, the heady taste of mint he brought to life in her mouth, the soft, enjoyable noises he made.

The fingers of one hand knotted in her hair as the other skimmed down her waist to rest on her hip. A lust-fueled fire erupted over her body, making her nipples harden and an arousing ache pulse to life between her legs. The small, encouraging moan that escaped her mouth was unintentional, but it had been so long, so very, very long, since she’d felt like this, she couldn’t keep it contained. His hand slipped over her bottom and pulled her closer, bringing her lower body in contact with his, allowing her to feel his arousal.

Caught up in the moment, she shifted closer, draping one leg over his hip. He ground into her then stiffened with a pained growl.