Forever and a Day

chapter 25

“Promise that no matter what you will always love me and we’ll always be friends before anything.” - Brielle

Kiyan stood in his bedroom getting ready to meet up with his boys. He knew Kris wasn’t to be trusted, he just wished Brielle didn’t get so close to him. He was prepared to do whatever it took to make sure Kris would no longer be a threat to Brielle ever again. She wasn’t his girl, but at the end of the day she was his friend and he always protected what was his. Kiyan grabbed his watch and cell phone when Brielle knocked on the door.

“Wassup,” Kiyan said to Brielle.

“Hey Kiy. I just wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here. I promise I’ll be gone by tomorrow.”

“You’re good. Just like I was always welcomed at your house no matter what, your welcome at mine. It’s extra rooms, so just choose one and it’s yours. Since you’re not going back to your crib until I figure out what the hell is wrong with this nigga Kris.”

“I don’t want to be a burden.”

“Never that.”

“I’m about to leave for a few but I’ll be back later.”

“Kiy, I don’t want you to be in nothing because of me.”

“What you talking about?”

“I heard you tell Cam earlier that y’all were going to handle the Kris situation tonight.”

“You don’t know what you talking about.”

“Yeah okay Kiyan, don’t pretend like I don’t know about your past. Don’t try to play me when you know I know what you were talking about.”

“Bri chill man. I told you I’m not gone get into trouble. Trust me.”

“I trust you, but I know you as well. I know what you’re capable of.”

“You think you know everything about me?” Kiyan asked.

Brielle looked at Kiyan and she was convinced that what Kiyan said last night was true. She did have feelings for him but her fear of relationships made her not want to react to them. She knew that Kiyan probably could be the man he said he was. He could be the man that she has always wanted. The man that she could live forever with.

“I didn’t say that I knew everything about you but I know about your wants. You want to hurt Kris for trying to hurt me.”

“Why do you think I care so much about someone hurting you?”

“I think you care because I think you love me.”

“I love all of my friends, no questions asked.”

“I know that but I think you love me differently than you love your other friends,” Bri said walking closer to Kiyan.

“Look Brielle stop it. You know how I feel about you and you don’t feel the same way so don’t lead me on,” Kiyan stepped back.

“Did I ever tell you I didn’t feel the same way?”

“You said it last night,” Kiyan reminded her.

“No last night I said I would get back to you at a later date because I didn’t know what I wanted,” Brielle corrected.

“So what are you trying to say? You know what you want?”

“I think I know what I want clearer than I did last night?”

“Stop playing games Brielle, tell me what you want or don’t say anything at all.”

“So now I’m Brielle?”

“Not right now. Don’t start your shit. I need answers.”

“I want to be with you Kiyan, but.”

“There’s no buts, either you want to or not. There is no in between.”

“What if I’m really not relationship material? What if we don’t work out, what will happen to our friendship,” Brielle looked down.

“We’ll always be friends. And this will only fail if you want it to. Look Bri, I can’t promise you a perfect relationship because I’m not perfect and neither are you. I’m not going to sit up here and tell you we won’t argue because nine times out of ten we will argue and have our differences. But if I try and you try, you’re stuck with me.” Kiyan honestly told Brielle.

“Well, I’m going to try because I think I love you.”

“You think? We’ll I’m sure I love you.” Kiyan said to Brielle.

After hearing Kiyan said that he loved her. Brielle looked up to him and that’s when their lips met. The moment their lips touched they both felt it. Kiyan grabbed the back of her head, went past her lips and slipped his tongue inside her mouth. He knew he wanted this ever since the day they met in the mall. Brielle’s response was immediate. Kiyan and Brielle were both getting hot and bothered. Each others taste would be forever stuck in their mind.

Kiyan proceeded to pull Brielle closer to him. Kiyan unbuttoned Brielle’s light blue jeans and pulled her purple and white baseball shirt over her head. He put one of his hands on the back of her head and then placed his other hand directly above her butt. Everything began to go in slow motion when he picked Brielle up and looked down at her black bra. He unsnapped her bra from the back as he walked over to his king size bed. He put Brielle in the middle of the bed and then took off his shirt exposing his brown skin six pack and muscles. He then took off his jeans and looked at Brielle.

“Brielle, you sure about us?”

“I’ve never been so sure about anything else.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, just a little nervous.” Looking deep into Kiyan’s eyes.

“Why are you nervous?”

“Haven’t did this in a while.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

Kiyan ran his hands up and down Brielle’s body. Kiyan’s touch made Brielle feel absolutely sure about taking their friendship to the relationship level. As soon as he entered her they both wanted to explode. He tried to hold back. With each stroke, they almost let go. Brielle winced from the pleasure she received from the pain. The pain only lasted for a short period of time. Kiyan’s strokes began getting faster and faster. After a few more strokes they both reached their climax together.

After about an hour and fifteen of making love, Kiyan stroked her back with his fingertips. Brielle laid her head in his chest just breathing. Brielle wanted to tell Kiyan something but didn’t want to ruin the moment with words. She looked up at the same time Kiyan looked down at her.

“I love you,” Brielle whispered.

“I love you too baby,” Kiyan lifted her chin and gently kissed her.

“Don’t leave me tonight,” Brielle said.

“I won’t. Lets go get cleaned up so we could go to sleep. It’s been a long day.”

“Don’t you have to call the boys to let them know you’re not meeting up with them?” Brielle asked.

“Nawh, they will know I’m not coming if I’m more than twenty minutes late.”

Brielle could honestly say at the moment she was happy. She didn’t know how long this happiness would last but she was going to enjoy it.

“Kiy, can you promise me something?”

“What’s that?”

“Promise that no matter what you will always love me and we’ll always be friends before anything.”

“That goes without question.”

“Okay. Lets get in the shower.”

“Come on.”

“One more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Can I get on your back? I’m tired,” Brielle laughed.

“Come on lazy.” Kiyan said standing on Brielle’s side of the bed.

“I’m not lazy. You just wore me out,” Brielle said climbing on his back.

“That was nothing. Wait until we get in the shower,” Kiyan looked back and winked at her.

“Oh lord. Look what I done got myself into,” Brielle smiled.

“You better get use to it because you’re stuck with me.”

“I’m okay with being stuck with you.”

“At this point you don’t even have a choice,” Kiyan said as he put Brielle down and kissed her.

Jasmine Barber's books