Forever and a Day

chapter 23

“You know what I’ll leave, but this shit is definitely not over you can believe that shit” - Kris

Brielle knew she had to talk to Kris sooner rather than later to discuss the fate of their relationship. She had thought long and hard about her decision. Kris was a nice businessman as well as nice boyfriend. He just wasn't the boyfriend she wanted or needed. She made all the decisions in their relationship and all he did was agree and run with it. They had dated two months too long and she was ready to move on. She checked her cell phone to see if she had a text from Kris announcing his arrival, however she had texts from mostly everybody but him.

Shanice: Hey mamas, I’m just checking in on you. I miss you.

Jaiden "Murder": Wassup shorty, Imu! Come through later. <3

Sabriya: Hey Bri. I love you. I have something to show you that I need your thought on.

Kiyan: We need to talk ma. I'll be over after this studio session is over. This is serious so no you can't take a rain check on this.

Brielle sighed. Kiyan message had her confused. What the hell did he have to discuss that was so damn urgent that he couldn’t wait until tomorrow to discuss. She didn’t want to have two serious conversations in on night. Brielle ignored Kiyan and Murder’s text and responded back to Sabriya and Shanice. She missed her girls; they knew how to keep her sane. She then called Danni to talk.

“Hey girl,” Danni answered excited.

“Hey mamas, are you busy?”

“Girl bye, when am I ever?”

“Always Danni, I’m shocked you’re not at work or at home working.”

“I know right, I left work early and went to the spa. I was so damn stressed I fired my assistant. I had to call the poor little girl back to apologize and rehired her.”

“Danni, you didn’t,” Brielle said laughing.

“Yes the hell I did, her ass started crying talking all sad. I just looked at her ass and closed my damn door.”

“That is not right girl.”

“I know that’s why I called and apologized.”

“I hope so girl, you are something else,” Brielle said continuing to laugh while mimicking Kevin Hart.

“Don’t I know it? But how are you? You sound just as stressed as I was. Everything okay at work?” Danielle questioned.

“Everything is fine at work, it’s everything outside of work that’s stressing me the hell out,” Brielle sighed.

“Talk to me, what’s going on?”

“Girl I’m about to break up with Kris. Now Kiyan talking about we have to talk about some serious shit that can’t wait until tomorrow. Then, Murder clueless ass texted me talking about, hey shorty I miss you, come through later. I feel like my luck with men is nonexistent ”

“Damn girl and why are you just now calling me. Why are you breaking up with Kris?”

“Girl he don’t need a girlfriend, he looking for something to replace his damn mother. He want you to tell him what to do and I don’t have no damn kids to be constantly guiding him through life,” Brielle explained.

“Oh hell no. Tell that nigga if he want all that he need to be dating his damn mother. What the hell he think this is,” Danielle said.

“Exactly my point. This shit got old real fast,” Brielle said.

“Well you know what you gotta do, don’t let nothing his boojie ass say make you change your mind. You know he slick with the words, that’s why your ass started dating him in the first place,” Danielle laughed.

“ Ha ha ha, funny, but I’m not. His ass gotta go. We could be friends, but that’s all we’ll ever be,” Brielle told her best friend.

“Do your thang girl, call me when you’re done so I can laughed at his reactions. I’m staying at Cam’s tonight so hit me on my Blueberry,”

“Danni, you need to grow the hell up. You still calling you’re phone, Blueberry?” Brielle laughed.

“Girl, yes. You know Blueberry and I have been through everything together. She never lets me down,” Danni laughed referring to her navy blue Blackberry.

“Bye, girl. Kris should be here any minute,” Brielle said.

“Bye mama, don’t forget to call me. I want to laugh,” Danni reminded Bri.

“I won’t,” Bri said ending the call.

Brielle was ready to be done with Kris. She was just waiting until he got there for everything to go down. She didn’t want to hear nothing from him, but an agreement to part ways. Brielle sat down and started watching Kevin Hart’s Imma Grown Little Man.

She was just starting to laugh when, her doorbell rung. She got up to open the door for Kris.

“How are you Brielle?” Kris said coming into Brielle’s house kissing her cheek and handing her flowers.

“Thank you for the flowers, I’m good. How are you?” Brielle responded.

“I’m great. Business is doing better than expected,” Kris said.

“That’s good, come in the living room so we could talk,” Brielle said.

“Okay, what’s the problem baby? Are you okay? You’re starting to scare me.”

“I’m good. But I have a lot of stuff on my mind. I have a lot of things stressing me out that I’m slowly trying to get rid of or help with.” Brielle started.

“Anything I can help you with?” Kris questioned.

“Apart of what’s stressing me out is our relationship. I think you are a great guy and you will make any lady happy, but I don’t think I’m the woman for you,” Brielle began.

“So what are you saying? I can change. We can make this work. I really believe this is the beginning of something new. I don’t want to end it now,” Kris said.

“I hear what you’re saying now I need you to listen to what I’m saying. We’ve been together for two months and this has been nothing but me telling you what to do or how our relationship is going to be. Your too demanding, you want stuff that I’m not ready to give. I don’t think you’re looking for a girlfriend. You are looking for a potential wife or mother like figure and I’m not that for you,” Brielle stressed.

“So what are you saying? Did you find somebody else? Is that why you are breaking up with me?” Kris questioned.

“First of all, I’m not the type to be dating two dudes at once. Second of all, since you obviously not trying to hear the shit I’m saying let me explain further, our relationship is not working out.”

Before Brielle could finish, her door bell rung yet again. She excused herself and then went on to answer the door. She opened the door to find Kiyan standing there texting on his phone.

“Hey Kiy, now is not a good time,” Brielle started as Kiyan walked in.

“I know you got my message, so you know I’m not really trying to here that right now,” Kiyan said.

“Kiy, I’m here talking to Kris. I can’t have a conversation with you,”

“I don’t care who you’re having a conversation right now Brielle, me and you will be having a conversation tonight. So you can have your little discussion with ole boy, but trust and believe I’m not going anywhere until we’ve talked. I’m going to the bathroom, but I’ll be back in a second,” Kiyan said walking towards the guest bathroom.

“Okay,” Brielle said walking back into the living room with Kris.

“Sorry about that. Where were we?” Brielle asked.

“So that’s it huh? You’re f*cking that thug so you don’t have time for a relationship with me?” Kris accused.

“Excuse me? What did you say?” Brielle said turning her face up to Kris.

“I didn’t stutter, I was loud and clear,” Kris stressed.

“Oh hell no, you need to go. Get up, get your shit and walk out the door.”

“I’m not going anywhere you’re going to explain yourself to me. I spent two months with your ass, you’re not leaving that easily,” Kris said getting up grabbing her wrist.

“Imma give your ass two seconds to let go of her wrist before I promise your ass that your mother will be planning your f*cking funeral,” Kiyan said coming in the living room.

“This is not your fight man, just get out,” Kris said.

“It’s not my fight, but last time I checked you got your hands on my girl like she another nigga. Am I wrong or not?” Kiy asked.

“Your girl? So I was right, she cheated on me to be with a low down gangsta,” Kris screamed getting bold.

“Calm your little ass down, before this gangsta lay you out,” Kiyan said.

“My man I don’t know what you thinking but you ain't laying shit down over here,” Kris said never taking his eye of Kiyan. Kris knew he couldn’t win a fight between himself and Kiyan but he be damned if he be made to look like a punk in front of Brielle.

Kiy closed the space between him and Kris, “I don’t know who you tryna impress with this gangsta shit you putting out, but real recognize real and you way outta ya league, so why don’t you just walk out and I might pretend this shit never happened.” Kiy had a look in his eyes that sent chills down Brielle’s spine, she knew if she didn’t want her house to be torn to shreds she needed to speak up now.

“Look Kris, you’ve disrespected me, my house, and my guest enough for one night so just leave before this gets any worse,” Brielle said easing in between the two men trying to diffuse the situation.

Kris looked at her in amazement, for two months he did everything he thought was right to prove he was the man for her and here she was defending this thug nigga like he didn’t even exist. “You know what, you and your thug can have this shit, I don’t know why I wasted my time with your stuck up ass anyway,” he looked at Kiyan again, “you better believe I’ll be seeing you again.”

“Nigga you couldn’t see me if I gave you my exact location, you heard her nigga now bounce or the next sound you hear will be your jaw cracking,” Kiyan gritted.

A defeated Kris proceeded towards the door but not before turning to look at Brielle one more time, “This isn’t over Brielle you….” Brielle slammed the door before he could finish his sentence. She turned to look at Kiyan who still looked like he was ready to attack, at this point she was so frustrated she didn’t even remember why he came over there. She definitely didn’t know what state of mind Kiyan was in so she was careful with her next set of words.

“Kiy, are you okay?”

“I’m good, I don’t take it easy being threatened. So tell your little friend to watch it,” Kiyan said.

“Kiy I broke up with him. I pissed him off, so I doubt I ever see him again. I broke his heart if you let him tell it,” Brielle explained.

“Broken heart my ass, next time he decides to threaten me I’m going to break his face, and that’s a promise and not a threat,” Kiyan said seriously.

“Okay. Let’s not focus on that. That totally got out of control. Didn’t you want to talk,” Brielle reminded him of the reason he was determined to come over tonight.

“Aye Bri we need to talk. Not friend to friend, but man to women,” Kiyan started.

Brielle didn’t like the sound of this. Kiyan was passionate about whatever he was about to say, and she just knew it was going to be about them being in a relationship. She just got out of a relationship literally seconds ago, but she knew he wouldn’t want to hear any of the things she was prepared to say.

“What exactly do you want to talk about?”

“I want to talk about why after all this time we’re still not together.”

“Kiyan, I thought we agreed to be friends. Nothing more.”

“No Brielle, you made that decision, I just went along with it. I didn’t want to be friends. I always wanted something more. I just said okay so you could see I was the man you needed in your life,” Kiyan yelled.

“What happened to you and Samara?”

“I broke up with her, next excuse?” Kiyan yelled.

“Kiy you don’t have to yell,” was Brielle’s only response.

“Brielle stop playing games. You know you want us to be together, you’re just doing the most right now.”

“Kiyan I don’t know what I want. Every time I try to get in a relationship it ends badly. I’m not relationship material,” Brielle yelled while she started to cry.

“Aye ma, don’t cry. Come here,” Kiyan said hugging Brielle.

Brielle began to walk towards Kiyan. She was beginning to feel like she was losing herself in her relationships. She was successful as hell, but when it came to relationships, she was a straight failure. She held on to Kiyan, she wanted to try to make things work between them but she wasn’t interested in getting hurt anymore. So before she told Kiyan anything she had to think long and hard about her last move. If he wanted an answer, then he would be disappointed because she wasn’t giving him one.

“Kiy, I need time to think,” Brielle looked up to him.

“So what does that mean?”

“That means I will get back to you at a later date with a response. That’s the best I can do for you,” Brielle said.

“I’ll take that. Do you want me to stay here with you?”

“No. I’ll be fine. I’ll just call Danni or Chloe if I feel lonely.”

“Okay, I’ll call you later then. I’m going to head out, Kiyan said, Lock the door behind me, and put the alarm on,” Kiyan said walking towards the door.

He was disappointed that Brielle didn’t give him an answer. He expected her to drop her nigga and jump straight into a relationship with him, he guess it wasn’t that easy. He was use to getting his way, but Brielle proved to be different yet again. Kiyan would just wait for an answer. He thought to himself, “ I guess no answer was better than the worse answer.”

Jasmine Barber's books