Forever and a Day

chapter 24

“Wait, so you’re going to stand there and take up for him like he some innocence ass bystander?” -Kiyan

Brielle woke up the next morning with a headache out this word. She didn’t know what she wanted to do with Kiyan and she still couldn’t believe Kris acted out the way he did. She had to speak to Kris, but she was unsure if it would lead to trouble or not. She wanted to call her girls and tell them about what happened last night, but she didn’t want to talk about it right now. She decided she would reach out to Kris so that she could see if he was serious about the things he said yesterday.

Me: Are you busy?

Kris: Your gangster boyfriend doesn’t want to be bothered with you so now you want us to work out?

Me: You know what forget I even reached out to your ignorant ass.

Kris: Wait. How are you?

Me: I’m perfectly fine. Bye.

Kris: You know you broke my heart?

Me: How? I never told you I was in love with you. You never spent the night at my house. How could you have that much feelings towards me and we were never serious.

Kris: I just know I love you. I knew it from the day I seen you at the gym.

Me: Kris you’re not in love with me.

Kris: Can I come over to explain?

Me: To explain, yes. After that, you have to leave and I mean it.

Kris: I’ll take that.

Brielle felt better that she would at least get to speak to Kris on why she made the decision she made. She went to get in the shower before Kris stopped by her house. As she walked towards the bathroom she felt uneasy about something, but she didn’t know what it was so she decided that she would let it go. Before she stepped in the shower, her cell phone beeped indicting a text. She looked at her phone and saw that Danielle texted her.

Danni: I left my favorite pair of heels at your house that night we met the guys. I know I’m like mad months behind, but so what. :p I’m sending Cam is come to get it.

Me: Lol. You know me so well. But, okay, I’m here,

Danni: Cool, I don’t know when he is coming, but be on the look out for him.

Me: Kk. He has my number and tell him I’m going to leave the side door unlocked for him.

Danni: Okay. Love ya! We have to catch up :]

Me: Love ya more & yes we do! ASAP.

She then proceeded to get in the shower and wash. Brielle grabbed the shampoo and decided since she was in the shower she was just going to wash her hair. 10 minutes later Brielle was getting out the shower, and drying off. She grabbed the Jergen’s Shea Butter lotion to lotion her body. She went to her closet and grabbed her light skinny jeans, her purple Ugg boots, and her purple and white basketball shirt. After she had her conversation with Kris, she was going to get a car wash and get pampered for the rest of the day.

After getting dressed, she heard the doorbell ringing. When she looked out her door, she saw the FedEx man leaving a package on her porch. Brielle rushed downstairs because she knew that her new meridian blue Christian Louboutin Daffodil Strass heels had finally came. As she got to the front door, Kris was walking up the stairs.

“Hey,” Kris spoke up.

“Oh Hey Kris, come on it,” Brielle said. “You can make yourself comfortable while I take these upstairs.” Brielle ran upstairs to put her shoes in her room. As she was coming down, she decided how she would start this conversation with Kris.

“So Kris, what got you some mad last night?” Brielle started.

“Well the fact that you tried to dump me and your little gangster friend was all in our business,” Kris said.

“Well first off, I did break up with you last night. Second, that was not your first time seeing Kiyan. So the fact that you decided that you would snap last night is not okay.”

“What am I apologizing for Brielle? Ever since we’ve been going out you’ve acted like you were in a relationship with Kiyan and not me. You went to basketball games with him; you went and let him meet your mom. Your friends are extra cool with him and barely even know me.”

“I hang out with Kiy like I would with any other friend. He met my mother because we ran into her while we were all out. My friends are extra cool with him because they date his friends. That’s beyond me. You try to act like your so much better than them, and they don’t like that shit.” Brielle started getting agitated.

“That is not true. We can make this work Brielle don’t give up.”

“I’m through pretending. I can’t do it anymore,” Brielle said.

“Pretending? How are we pretending?”

“Why would we keep pretending when there's nothing there? You know it, I know it and anybody who sees us knows that,” Brielle sighed.

Kris stood up and grabbed Brielle’s arm. Looked her in the eyes and slowly said, “I hate wasting my time, and I feel like you have wasted my time these last two months.”

“Kris get your hands off me,” Brielle screamed.

“Or what?” Kris asked getting bold.

“Or I’m going to give you the ass whopping I should of gave you last night,” Kiyan said walking into the room.

“Kiy what are you doing here,” Brielle asked.

“I left my phone in the bathroom last night, so I came to get my phone. I couldn’t call you because my shit was here. I knocked on the door, but no answer and you left the door unlocked. But I’m glad I had to come over here,” Kiyan said looking at Kris. “Take your hands off her.”

“I’m not scared of you Kiyan,” Kris said looking a Kiyan.

“Well you should be. I’m that dude your mother warned you to stay away from.”

Turning to Brielle, Kris began, “so this the kind of shit your into huh? Want to be thug.”

“Yo how many times am I gone say this, ain’t shit want to be about me. Keep it up and I’m going to show yo ass just how real this shit is,” said Kiyan stepping a little closer to Kris.

“Look this shit is not happening in my house. Now Kris I asked you to leave, so take your damn hands off of me and if you put them on me again you will regret it,” sneered Brielle she was pissed to the 10th power.

“You know what I’ll leave, but this shit is definitely not over you can believe that shit” with that Kris tried to walk out the room but was stopped by Kiyan fist connecting to his mouth. This was the second night in a row that Kris wanted to threaten Kiyan and he was going to make sure this was the last damn time.

“Oh my God, Kiyan!” yelled Brielle.

“If you ever come anywhere near her again I’ll kill you. Don’t speak, text, or call her ever again. If you see her in the street turn around and go the other damn way. You think I’m some punk ass nigga off the street, but I guarantee you f*ck with her, and I’ll show your ass just how much of a real gangsta I am,” Kiyan whispered in Kris ear to were Bri couldn’t hear.

“Kiyan stop, just let him go”

“You sure know how to pick them don’t you Brielle, this is who you chose over me!” yelled Kris straightening his self up. He could still feel the blood filling his mouth

“Kris just go and please lose my number in the process,” a defeated Brielle sighed.

Once he was out the house and pulled off Brielle went and locked the door. Walking back in the living room she can see that Kiyan was still pissed from the way he kept pacing back and forth.

“Kiy, you know you didn’t have to hit him, all of that wasn’t even… ” Brielle started.

“Wait so you’re going to stand there and take up for him like he some innocence ass bystander?” asked Kiy interrupting her.

“No I didn’t say that so don’t put words in my mouth”

“Then what are you saying Bri, you know what never mind I’m done talking about that nigga. I came here to talk about something more important”

“Like what?” she asked.


“What about us?” Brielle had a feeling about what he wanted to continue the talk from last night, but the question still wasn’t one she ready to answer.

Just as Kiyan was about to lay everything on the line and express to Bri what he really was feeling about them; they heard a loud crash coming from outside. They both went to the door to see what the hell that noise was coming from.

“What the hell was that,” they both yelled.

Opening the door Kiy and Bri stood shock at what they saw, someone had did a number on Bri’s car and it was a white piece of paper on the windshield. Walking to the car Kiy grabbed the paper and read it out loud, “Be careful who you surround yourself with bitch. They just might be the death of you! See you soon :].”

While Brielle and Kiyan stared at each other while in thought letting everything that just happen and the note sink into their mind, someone else was also watching them from afar plotting their next move.

“Kiy,” Bri started.

“I don’t want to hear it yo. Go upstairs and get your shit. You’re coming with me,” Kiyan said sternly. Brielle never heard Kiyan speak to her like that, which means he was serious. She turned around and went upstairs to pack an overnight bag. She didn’t know what to think at the moment. She had one question, who the hell would do something like this to her.

Kiyan was thinking to himself, “Who the f*ck did Brielle piss off that they are coming at her this hard.” Kiyan was deep in his thought when he hard someone opening the side door. He thought today was his lucky day because he had his gun on him to meet up with his old crew about them getting out the game and being in the music industry. He pulled his gun out and aimed at the side door. When Cam emerged with his gun already out, Kiy sighed.

“What the f*ck is going on up here,” Cam yelled to Kiy.

“Man, what the f*ck is not going on?” Kiy said putting his gun down, but not away.

“So her boy f*cked up her car?” Cam asked.

“Yo we don’t know who the f*ck did it,” Kiy answered.

“I’m telling you my nigga, that nigga Kris did it. He was smiling at Bri’s car and when he saw me he sped off. He got that Navy blue Acura right?”

“I don’t know what car that nigga got. Wait until she comes down and ask her.”

Just as the Kiyan finished talking, Brielle was walking downstairs with two suitcases and some shoes in her hand. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she was greeted with the sight of both Kiyan and Cam standing next to each other with guns in their hands.

“What the hell y’all got guns out for,” Brielle asked.

“I didn’t know Cam was coming over, so when I heard somebody coming in the door I reacted,” Kiyan spoke up first.

“And when I saw your car, I was ready to shoot first and find out information later,” Cam shrugged.

“Question. What kind of car does Kris drive?” Kiyan asked.

“He drives a black Mercedes Benz, e class,” Brielle said.

“That’s the only type of car he drives,” Cam asked.

“Yeah, that’s all I ever seen him drive,” Brielle started.

“Damn, so maybe it wasn’t him,” Cam said to Kiy.

“Then who the f*ck would it be?” Kiyan pondered.

“Oh wait, he does have a blue Acura in his garage, but he said he doesn’t drive it because he’s getting some work done on it,” Brielle remembered.

“Told you son. I’m not f*cking stupid. I got good ass sight and I never forget a damn face,” Cam spoke up.

“Is there something you two want to fill me in on?” A confused Brielle asked.

“Your boyfriend f*cked up your car,” Cam said.

“How is that possible? He wasn’t even gone for five minutes before we came outside,” Brielle said.

“The problem is that he never left because when I got out the car he was smiling at your car until he seen me,” Cam spoke up. When Cam finished, Brielle was stunned.

“Speechless huh,” Kiyan asked.

“Not right now Kiy,” Brielle finally spoke up.

“I’m just saying man. I knew it was something about that man I couldn’t stand.” Kiyan said.

“So what you gone do?” Cam questioned Kiy.

“You already know what happens after this,” Kiy said.

“I do. But she can’t stay here,” Cam stated.

“I’ll just go to a hotel,” Brielle offered.

“No, you can stay at my house until this all blow over. No need to argue with me,” Kiyan demanded.

“Fine, if I don’t have a choice,” Brielle rolled her eyes.

“Iight man, she needs to call and report this. Then we’re heading out. I’m going to call you and the fellas after I get her settled in,” Kiy said to Cam.

“Sayless,” Cam said. “Oh yeah Bri, where Danielle shoes at? She has been bitching about them all day.”

“Right here,” Brielle smiled and gave Cam the shoes in her hand.

“Stay out of trouble lil sis, and Kiy hit me later,” Cam said walking towards the front door.

“Iight man,” Kiyan said.

“So you might as well call and report this so we can leave,” Kiyan said to Brielle. “I’ll be waiting outside.”

Jasmine Barber's books