Finding Forever

“She’s lying, mommy,” Melanie chimed in from her place at the kitchen counter, where she was frosting a caramel cake. “I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling, but she’s climbed that tree before. Your body language is telling on you girl,” she said, exchanging a glance with Lynne.

I sighed, wondering why it hadn’t occurred to me that this— bringing Avery to my family’s house— was another bad idea, and would absolutely send the wrong message. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if my dad and uncle were outside explaining to Avery that he’d better put a ring on my finger, or my dad’s favorite thing to tell my teenaged dates, “Make sure you put a hat on your jimmy, lil boy. Send my daughter home with a baby you don’t plan on taking care of and I’ll mess ya’ up.”

“Oh Mel, she’s embarrassed, let’s not pick on her,” Lynne said, pulling down a stack of plates from the cabinet. “Even though, I bet that gorgeous chocolate man would sure make me some pretty grandbabies.”

When she didn’t get the answer she wanted — that we would be giving her the aforementioned grandbabies soon — she went after him, and I was pleased to see he handled himself well, assuring her there was nothing romantic about our relationship. After dinner, I walked out to his car with him. My parents lived in a neighborhood where the nearest house was a quarter of a mile away, so outside, the air was quiet and still.

“So… you ready to start your dates? The first one is lined up for this week,” I told him.

He shrugged, looking a little embarrassed as he leaned against his car. “I guess. It still feels a little strange to hand over control to someone else.”

“Don’t think about it like that. Just… I don’t know, think of it like a blind date where you know you’re compatible with that person. It’s not like it’s your great-aunt’s friend’s sister-in-law’s niece from church, you know?”

“But what does it mean if I’m not feeling her? I’m doing this for Des, but I’m not gonna pretend.”

I stepped in front him, looking him right in the eyes. “It means you’re just not feeling her. That happens. It’s not a perfect science. People are still individuals. No matter what my program or my ‘gut’ says, if one of you doesn’t feel a spark, it’s not the right match, and we move on. Okay?”

“Okay,” he agreed, though I got the feeling he wasn’t convinced. “Will I see you or Mel before the date? Do I need to plan anything?”

“Not unless you feel like you need a pep talk. We’ve already set up your reservation for dinner, you just need to show up, be yourself, and have fun. After your date, I’ll check in with both of you, and if you’re on the same page, you can exchange contact information, and I’ll help you plan a second date. Sound good?”

He grimaced a little before nodding. “We’ll see.”

“You certainly will,” I said, grabbing his hands and giving them a squeeze. “Lauren is a beautiful woman, and I think you’re going to like her.”

Avery kept a grip on my hands, pulling me a little closer. “As beautiful as you?”


“What? It’s a fair question!” he chuckled as he released my hands.

Laughing, I shook my head at him. “She’s gorgeous, okay?”

“If you say so.”

“I do,” I assured him.

Pushing himself away from his car, he leaned forward, pressing a kiss against my temple. “Good night, Tori.”

What the hell is this?

“Good night, Avery,” I mumbled, trying to keep my eyelids from fluttering shut. Finally, he stepped back, and with a wave, got into his car to drive away. I stayed outside for a few minutes longer, trying to gather my thoughts before I went inside to face my step mom and sister again. I knew that this time, I would be would getting the interrogation.

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Christina C Jones's books