Finding Forever

“So you’re… pregnant?”

“Ugh, can I finish my damn story please?” Des bit down on her lip, trying unsuccessfully to stop a grin from spreading across her face before she gave an excited nod of her head. “Ten weeks!” she exclaimed, wiggling her fingers in the air. “I left the doctor right before I got on the plane! I was already coming to check on you, so it worked out perfectly. You’re the first person I’ve told, not even Drew yet.”

“Des, oh my God! You’re gonna have a baby!” I quickly came around the desk to pull my friend into a hug. “I am so happy for you honey,” I said, frantically wiping away my sudden tears. “When are you telling Drew?”

“I want to tell him person. As soon as I leave you, I’m going to swing by Avery’s and tell him, and then I’m back on a plane to Chicago so I can try to beat my husband home and put out some balloons or something. He’s gonna be so happy!”

I was sure he would. Before he knew Des, Drew had shared with me that he was anxious to be a father, and I knew for a fact Des would make an excellent mother. Hell, she was certainly good at trying to mother me. I was thrilled for them, but that didn’t keep a nagging feeling of jealousy from creeping into my thoughts. This outpouring of excitement over a baby was something I would never experience with someone else. To be fair, I wasn’t sure I wanted kids, but it would have been nice to have the option. Even if I went the route of donor sperm, and artificial insemination, I would never have the happy moment Des and Drew would share later over the news that they would be parents.

I cleared my throat before I planted another smiled on my face. “That’s sweet, Des. I bet he’s gonn— wait a minute, did you just say you were ‘swinging by’ to see Avery? What, he’s visiting his office in Dallas?”

Des’ lips parted in a little gasp as she averted her eyes to look down at her shoes. “Well… about that… Avery lives here in Dallas.”


I took a step back, suddenly feeling like the wind had been knocked out of me. Avery was right here in the same city, and all he’d sent were stupid freaking flowers, and a note that didn’t acknowledge the fact we’d slept together instead of coming in person to apologize? Closing my eyes, I shook my head a little, realizing just how stupid it was that I couldn’t get him off my mind when he obviously thought very little of me. Note to self: you’re not one of those girls that can separate emotion from sex. Clearly.

“Tori, I never mentioned it because I know how Avery is. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want you asking to meet him, and him trying to do you like he does other women.”

Too late for that.

I shook my head. “It’s not a big deal Des, I’m just surprised. So all of your random pop-ups were to see both of us?”

Desiree nodded. “But Avery travels a ton anyway, so he’s all over the place. Whenever he needs to regroup, and get his bearings back, he comes here to Dallas.”

With a tight smiled, I nodded. “Gotcha.” I glanced at the clock, noting the time before I turned back to my friend. “You probably should get going if you want to be back in Chicago in time to set up a surprise for Drew about the baby.”

“I know,” Des said, poking out her bottom lip. “I hate I don’t have time to stick around today, but we’ve gotta get together soon. And no more avoiding me, ok? It makes me worry about you, and I don’t like that.”

I placed my hand over my heart. “No more avoidance, I swear.”

Christina C Jones's books