Finding Forever

“Do you? And that comment about her husband… how did you even know she was married?”

A fresh wave of guilt hit me as I remembered the moment Tori shared that with me, not knowing I would throw it back in her face. “We talked last night, and she told me about her divorce.”

“Divorce? She and Rafael got divorced?”

Crap. So much for not mentioning any of this to Desiree.

Before I could respond, Des was on me again. “You knew all of that, and you still attacked her?” She shook her head, looking around for Drew, who took her by the hand. “I love you Avery, but I can’t stand you sometimes. You’ve become such an asshole, and I don’t get it. That whole mess with Natalie changed you… and not for better.” Still scowling, she allowed Drew to lead her out of the restaurant, leaving me sitting there with Wes and Deidra, who still looked stunned.

Ignoring them, I left the table, intent on finding Tori to apologize, but when I arrived at her room, housekeeping was already inside, cleaning and changing the bed linens.

She was already gone.


I shoved my shades onto my face to disguise the purplish bruise spreading around my eye, and stuffed my hands into my pockets as I made my way back down to my villa. I’d messed up so badly it was comical, and I had no idea what to do to fix it. Tori and I hadn’t exchanged numbers, because last night wasn’t supposed to extend past last night. There was no way Desiree would give it to me after the scene I’d caused at breakfast, but once I returned to the US, I would have the necessary resources to get in touch with her, and at least attempt to make it right.

Why did it matter though? As I unlocked the door to my room, I took a deep breath, wondering what the hell had gotten into me. What was it about Tori that had me so far gone I was actually thinking about tracking her down to apologize? I kicked off my shoes and sank down onto the edge of the bed, burying my face in my hands. Through my fingers, I noticed something on the floor and picked it up. Tori’s ponytail holder. I could remember the exact moment I’d yanked it from her hair. I had been sitting in this exact spot when she sank to her knees, looking impossibly sexy as she took me in her mouth, not shying away from gazing right into my eyes.

I groaned as I turned the thin elastic band in my hands. Even though we’d known each other less than 24 hours, I’d done something I vowed to never do, and let Tori get close to my heart. We hadn’t exchanged many words, but our bodies had said plenty as we made love— there was no other truthful way to describe what had transpired between us.

I flopped onto my back, staring up at the ceiling as I sorted my thoughts. Why did I still want Tori so bad? We’d shared a bed for nearly six hours. Physically, I knew everything there was to know about her, and yet I still wanted more. The scariest part was that it wasn’t about having sex with her. I wanted to be in her presence. This was bad. ‘Catching feelings’ wasn’t my style, but somehow Tori had found a little chink in my armor and dug in.

Christina C Jones's books