Captured Again(The Let Me Go Series)

Chapter 28

“Hey, it’s me, Dusty. I’ve got great news. Call me back.”

Dusty paced the floor in his tiny apartment, anxious to talk to Emma. He’d spoken to the professor about her, who was more than happy to provide a recommendation for Emma’s PTI. She’d let Dusty read it before sealing the envelope and Dusty felt sure it would have a lot of weight with the judge. The professor had not only given Emma a good recommendation, she’d stated Emma was one of the best students she’d been honored to teach in her twenty-plus years’ tenure at the university. She’d also mentioned to Dusty she personally knew most of the judges in their circuit and maintained a friendly yet professional relationship with them all.

Dusty had asked the professor to give it directly to him so he could add it to his own recommendation, as the arresting officer as well as her friend. Now if Emma could get one more from her boss—preferably not Rick—she’d be all set to get into the program and hopefully avoid fines and a criminal record.

He raked his hands through his hair. He’d already called Emma a few times and sent one text. Now he’d left a message. How long should he wait for her to call? Would it be lame to just drive over there? he thought. Maybe her phone’s off... or maybe it’s dead. He’d be seeing her in class again tomorrow, but he really didn’t want to wait. That and he’d really wanted to ask her out again. He should’ve asked when he dropped her off at her car the evening before and realized his mistake in class today. But when the bell rang, the professor had called him over and Emma had headed out in a hurry. He assumed she was going straight to work because she didn’t wait for him, or maybe she thought he was in trouble.

Dusty laughed at that thought. She was going to be so surprised. She hadn’t mentioned her upcoming court date, but he knew she was nervous.

Now here he was, wasting an evening he could be spending with her. He looked at his watch: nine thirty. Maybe it’s too late. Damn, she probably just went to bed early.

He blew out a frustrated breath and dropped down in his recliner, picking up the remote. He mindlessly cruised through the channels, not stopping on any one, before he gave up and turned the TV off again. He leaned back. Maybe I’ll just go to sleep myself. He threw one arm over his eyes, stretching the other far behind him.

A full minute passed while thoughts of Emma flew through his mind. Balls! Who am I kidding? I can’t sleep. I want to see her. The hell with this... I’m going over there.

He jumped up, slamming the recliner footrest down in his rush, and hurried into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to neaten it up somewhat, and noticed a small stain on his shirt while he looked in the mirror. He pulled it over his head and tossed it to the floor as he rushed to his closet and chose another T-shirt, pulling it on as he walked back toward the kitchen.

He sniffed at his pits, checking to be sure he didn’t stink. I should take a shower. Nope, not wasting any more time. Weak, brother. You got it bad, he thought as he glanced around for his keys. There they are. He grabbed them, feeling the weight and realizing they were to his patrol car. His truck was at the station. Whatever. If she goes out with me, she can follow me back here to drop off the car, and we’ll just drive hers. He hurried out the door, not wanting to waste another minute that he could be spending with Emma and not wanting to give his brain a chance to change his heart’s mind.

Dusty pulled into Emma’s apartment complex and slid his patrol car into the empty spot beside her car. His car was pointed directly into her windows. Before he had a chance to turn the car, or the lights, off, his heart nearly stopped.

It was dark outside, but his lights shining into her windows revealed two shadows, assumingly, sitting on the couch facing a TV. He could see the flicker of the television set in front of them. One of the shadows was wearing a baseball cap and leaned in very close to what he clearly recognized as Emma’s shadow, sitting down. He saw her delicate hand reach out and pat the baseball cap, friendly like.

Dusty felt his heart drop and his temperature rise.

“What the—” he muttered to himself. Then he saw Emma stand up and the TV went out. He quickly killed his lights. He didn’t want her to see him spying. Am I spying? First stalking her at the coffee-internet shop, now this? I have to go. The last thing he needed was for Emma to catch him out here and accuse him of being a stalker while she had company—male company—and get him in trouble at work.

He snatched up the two envelopes, one from the professor and one from him, and slapped them hard against the dash. “Dammit, I was just trying to help you, Emma,” he said out loud, his voice breaking. But it was more than trying to help her. He couldn’t deny it to himself. He wanted Emma... wanted her bad since the night he’d arrested her. Apparently, she doesn’t want me though, or she wouldn’t be with someone else tonight, he thought. He’d bet that was Rick wearing the ball cap. Emma had never mentioned another guy. But would she? It was obvious to him that Rick wasn’t happy seeing him with Emma. He wanted her. I guess he has her.

His heart was pounding in his chest. He slammed an open fist against the steering wheel. I should have punched him in the face when I had a chance, he thought. He had to leave. Now. Before the anger came up to chase away the hurt. He threw the car in reverse and backed up, his tires skidding and smoke screaming from the patrol car.

Whatever, Emma, he thought. He blew out his breath and tried to shake it off. He had to have his head straight while he was in his patrol car. He couldn’t be out riding around off duty and hotheaded.

He drove straight home.

L.L. Akers's books