Captured Again(The Let Me Go Series)

Chapter 27

“Hello?” Jake answered sleepily.

The phone ringing had awoken him. Who’s calling the house phone? Jake thought. It was rare it ever rang. Most people called either his or Gabby’s cell numbers.

He’d opened his eyes to find Gabby gone and saw the note she’d left on the bedside table. He wasn’t awake enough to read it.

“Hello?” he said again.

There was someone on the line—Jake could tell that much—but there was a long hesitation before a deep voice asked, “Who is this?”

“This is Jake. Who’s this?” Jake grumpily answered, rubbing a hand across his eyes, trying to clear the sleep from his brain and connect the voice with the owner, but it didn’t register. He wasn’t sure he’d ever heard this voice.

“This is Tom, from Gabby’s office. Is she there?” Tom demanded.

Jake sat up. This sounded serious. Was Gabby in trouble? He didn’t remember her ever mentioning a Tom that worked with her. Was this a new boss?

“Naw, she’s...” Jake reached for the note, quickly reading it. “Out picking up groceries. She left a note here. It says she’ll be home in a few hours. She’s probably not gonna make it in today. I assumed she’d call Jerry. Who are you again?”

Click. The line went dead.

Jake held the phone out, squinting to see the screen just to be sure. The display didn’t show in use. No call. What the hell? he thought. He dialed Gabby’s cell number.

“Hello?” Gabby answered.

Jake sat up, easing his legs over the side of the bed. “Gabby. Where ya at, girl?”

“Oh! You woke up,” Gabby answered. “I was hoping you’d stay asleep and I could surprise you with dinner. I’m just leaving the store now,” Gabby answered, her voice sounding like it was carrying a smile.

“Have you called your boss?” Jake asked.

“Yeah. I called him after I dropped you off at the house this morning. He gave me the rest of the week off—to take care of you,” she nearly sang into the phone. “He’s been great, Jake. I took a few weeks off after the accident—I guess you know that—and I know I haven’t been up to snuff since I’ve been back, but I explained everything and he told me to focus on you this week and start back fresh next week.”

“Is Jerry still your boss?” Jake asked, rubbing his hand over the stubble on his chin.

“Yes, why?”

“Some dude named Tom just called here and asked for you. He didn’t sound happy that you weren’t here. Actually, he didn’t sound happy that I answered the phone,” Jake explained. “Who is that guy? He hung up on me.”

“Tom? He’s the new guy. He transferred in from someplace else. I have no idea why he’d be calling me,” Gabby answered, sounding confused. “Maybe Jerry asked him to call. I’m going right by there on the way home anyway. I’ll just pop in and see if they need something.”

Jake grabbed the footboard and eased up on his feet, stretching. “All right, Gab. Say hello to Jerry and the guys for me, but hurry home... I miss you already.”

“I miss you, too. I won’t be long. Love you,” Gabby answered.

“I love you, too.”

Jake hit the off button and then pressed it on again, leaving it off the hook so he could try to sleep a little longer without interruption. He put it in the drawer on their bedside table and then stretched some more. He wasn’t sure he could fall asleep as easily this time without Gabby there. Maybe a hot bath would be good first. He got up and slowly limped toward the bathroom, anticipating a long, hot soak in his own tub.

Gabby pulled in and parked in her normal spot, glad it was close to the door. She didn’t want to waste any more time than she had to. Not only did she have groceries in the truck, but Jake was waiting, and she wanted to spend every minute she could with him.

She pulled on the door and stepped in, stopping just inside for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the dark warehouse. Once they were adjusted, she headed toward her office. It’d be faster to call Jerry from there since he was upstairs. She rounded the corner and nearly collided with Tom. She threw her hands up to soften their collision, and he walked right into them.

“Oh, Tom... I’m sorry,” Gabby said and laughed. “I was in a hurry.”

She dropped her hands from his chest and backed up a few steps. “I’m glad I ran into you...” She laughed again at her joke, expecting Tom to laugh too, but he didn’t. Instead, his face was tight—sullen. He didn’t back up at all, but rather took a step forward and stood looking down at Gabby, crossing his arms against his chest.

What’s his problem? Gabby thought. Clearly, he’s pissed off at somebody. She didn’t want or need to be in the middle of any work drama between Tom and whoever he was mad at.

She cleared her throat and started again. “Did you guys need something? My husband said you called the house.”

“Yeah. What’s that about? I thought your husband was dead,” he growled while glaring down at her.

His remark stung, waking her up to the reality of how off the wall and bizarre this must all seem to the people she worked with. On the phone earlier, Jerry had talked as though they’d all known Jake was alive all along—and known she’d been delusional and half out of her mind. Someone must have forgotten to tell the new guy.

Gabby felt the blush color her cheeks. She turned her face down and to the side quickly, trying to cover the mark of her embarrassment with her hair. Looking at her feet and fiddling with her bag, she answered him. “Yeah. Actually, no. He’s not. Dead, that is.”

She quickly stepped around him and went into her office, hoping he’d just walk away. She turned on her light, intending to call Jerry to see what they needed, and moved toward her desk. She gasped. On her desk was a bouquet of flowers. Pretty purple Iris blooms popped out from the arrangement, surrounded by long green stems and yellow daisies—her favorite.

Her hand went to her mouth, a finger touching her lips. She smiled. These were probably from all the guys—and Jerry. This is why Tom had called, to let her know she had flowers. Jerry probably asked him to do it so she and Jake could enjoy them.

She plucked out the card and read it:

~ Marked by the dragonfly ~

Gabby dropped the card and shook her head, backing away from the flowers. She jumped and gave out a little scream when her retreat was stopped by a warm body. She spun around to again find herself face to face with Tom, who’d obviously followed her into her office.

“Whoa. Sorry, again,” Gabby blurted out as she backed away with raised hands. “Tom, do you know who put these flowers here?” she asked, gesturing to the flowers and looking again, just to be sure they really were there. She was trying to appear calm, but she was feeling that fluttery feeling again, as though she wasn’t sure she could believe what her eyes were showing her. She looked back at Tom to see if he too saw the flowers. His eyes were still on her.

“Tom! Did you hear me?” Gabby repeated, much louder. She glanced out her window overlooking the warehouse floor, unsure what she was looking for... or whom.

“The Iris is the French national flower,” Tom answered slowly. He walked over to the flowers, plucking one out and bringing it to his nose. He closed his eyes and inhaled.

“My uncle used to buy Irises for his beautiful wife—until she divorced him. Some young whore ruined his marriage. He killed himself.” Tom’s shoulders drooped and his spine seemed to bow. He continued to stare at the flower.

Gabby saw him tremble and reached to comfort him, as she would anyone who had suffered a loss. “Tom, I’m so sorry... Was this recent?” she asked as she put her hand on his shoulder, forgetting for a moment her own shock of the words written on the card.

“You should know,” he answered, his tone abruptly changing from sad to cold enough to freeze water. He turned his face toward Gabby and glared down at her, his nostrils flaring. She saw a vein throbbing in his neck.

Gabby snatched her hand off his shoulder and backed up, bumping into the glass window behind her. She threw a glance over her shoulder to see if there was anyone on the floor watching—Tom had a crazed look about him—but everyone was busy working, not looking her way. From near crying to cold and hateful in three seconds. This guy’s not stable, Gabby thought. He and his uncle must have been very close, maybe like a father. Did he request time off... grievance pay? Why should I know?

Tom stomped out of her office, accidently knocking her shoulder on his way past. Or was it accidental? Gabby thought.

She slammed her door shut and grabbed her phone, keeping an eye on the window just in case he came back. Her hand shook as she punched Jerry’s extension, praying he was in his office.

“Gabby! What are you doing here?” Jerry answered cheerily. “I gave you the rest of the week off. Go home!”

Gabby cleared her throat. “Okay. I will. But Jerry... did you know Tom’s uncle died?” Gabby whispered.

“Tom? The new guy? No... no, I didn’t. He didn’t mention it,” Jerry answered. “You want me to handle picking up a card and passing it around or something?”

Gabby usually picked up cards for the guys for all occasions. Everyone would sign them and sometimes write short condolences if the event was a death in the family.

“Yeah... could you?” Gabby answered, confused by Tom’s outburst. “He implied that I should know—that his uncle died. Can you talk to him and fill him in on what’s been going on with me lately? He seems a little in the dark.”

“Oh crap, Gabby. You know, I don’t think I ever did tell him. He came on board after the accident. By the time he started here, we all were already in the loop. Everyone kept it quiet. Your sisters asked us to. It never occurred to me to tell Tom. Sorry ‘bout that.”

“No, no... it’s okay, Jerry. Not a problem,” Gabby assured him. “Also, do you know who gave me these flowers in my office?”

She hoped he would say he and the guys. She held her breath, waiting for his answer, feeling beads of sweat form on her lip.

“No. I don’t know anything about any flowers. I have no idea. Maybe they guys did it and just forgot to tell me though,” Jerry answered and chuckled. “Take ‘em home! Get outta here, Gabby. Spend some time with Jake. And tell him I said no excuses, I’ll be seeing him on the basketball court soon.”

Gabby let out the breath she was holding and felt her body go cold. The note—there was only one person outside of Jake and her family that knew about her tattoo.

“I’ll tell him, Jerry... Thanks.”

Gabby hung up the phone and looked at the note still lying on the floor. She stepped far away from it, as if it could reach up and bite her, and left her office, leaving the flowers behind too. She carefully stepped around the corner toward the door to avoid any more run-ins with Tom. Once she saw a clear path, she practically ran for the exit. She just wanted to get home to Jake before she fell to pieces.

L.L. Akers's books