

Landon: Epilogue

I watched the waves roll across the beach. It was early morning on a clear day. A crisp breeze was blowing from the north. The sun would be coming up soon.

I hadn't missed a single sunrise in the three months since I had gotten out of the Box. Even when it was cloudy or raining I would come out here, I would look in the direction I knew it to be, and I would smile. It wasn't just because it meant humanity got one more day, it was also because I knew Charis was out there somewhere, and in a sense so was Clara.

I had made myself a new body, a replica of what I had lost, but no longer a thing of the Divine. I had taken the Box, and I had brought it with me to this remote place, unseen by those gathered in the Beast's prison. I had left the doorway open, and I had pushed it up into the stars, where the energy would leak out and become a smaller part of the thread that wove this universe to all of the other universes. Then I had stretched out in the sand below those stars and cried myself to sleep.

I had done the same every day for eighty-one days, alone with my thoughts, my grief, and my joy. I had seen the potentials of my future in the despair of the Beast, but in the end I rejected them. I wasn't him, and he wasn't me. I was free to choose, and my choice was to stick with the hope and the unbreakable spirit that made every single member of mankind capable of rising up to do great things. My plan wasn't so much to be their protector, as it was to help them learn to protect themselves. The Nicht Creidim weren't right, but they weren't completely wrong either. There had to be a balance there, somewhere.

In the end, if I taught them, and I helped them, then the loss of one diuscrucis would never be enough to break the world. It would never be enough to break the will and the spirit.

The game was over. We had won.

A new game would start soon.

I was ready.

Author's Note:

    There was some confusion after the release of Broken that it was the end of the Divine Series. I want to make sure I avoid making the same mistake twice. This IS the end of what I've been self-referring to as 'the Beast Cycle'. It IS NOT the end of the Divine novels.

    Landon's adventures will continue.

    I can't say thank you enough to everyone who has gone on this ride with me. I appreciate your continued patronage and support, and I hope to be able to keep entertaining you for years to come.

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About the Author

    I grew up with books. When I was eleven, I used to ride my bicycle three miles to the nearest bookstore to check the shelves for any new science fiction or fantasy titles they may have added in the last week, and eagerly put down almost all of my paper route money for the pleasure of escaping to a different place.

    It's hard to be an avid reader without wanting to create worlds of your own, and so that's what I then set out to do. Too many years later, it's a dream come true to be published, and have people read and enjoy my work.

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His Dark Empire

    An old man without a past. A young girl without a future. An empire ready for rebellion.

    His Dark Empire is the story of Silas and Eryn, two fugitives from opposite ends of a tyrannical Empire whose worlds collide in an explosion of sorcery and blood, intrigue and mystery. Together, they race to discover Silas' lost legacy, and in doing so uncover a conspiracy spanning hundreds of years, a conspiracy that has claimed the lives of thousands of magicians, and has led to the death and imprisonment of countless innocents.

    An epic fantasy both familiar and unique, His Dark Empire is a fast-paced adventure full of magic and mystery, lies and betrayal, strength and courage, friendship and love. It is a journey that will lead you into a world in search of hope, and the lives of two people who refuse to let go of it despite devastating loss.

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