

Rebecca: Epilogue

"Are you ready?"

I pursed my lips and stared into the white light in front of me. Master Lu was standing on my right, dressed in the plain gray robes of the House of Life.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

It had been nearly a month since we had freed Landon from the Box. At least, I could only assume he had been freed. The last I had seen of him was right before stepping through the doorway back to the Beast's prison, and rejoining those who had been waiting on the outside. I had waited for him there with the others, only to have it all vanish in a flash of light. The Box, the star, even the prison itself. We had found ourselves back in Gervais' chateau, left to wonder what exactly had happened.

It had only been his words to me, words I shared with the others, which brought us any comfort. They weren't the words of someone who was gone for good. They were the words of someone who needed a break and time to heal their battle scars, who would overcome their grief and loss and return stronger and more resolved than ever.

We'd gone our separate ways then. Dante had returned to Purgatory, bringing a reluctant Alichino with him. Adam had gone back to Heaven to report on the fate of the swords that his Inquisitors had been hunting for so long. Elyse had expressed her need to return to Japan, to a family estate that she could only hope had avoided Gervais' attentions, where she planned to regroup and come to some kind of closure on the death of her father and her status in the Nicht Creidim.

Obi was going to return to New York, but Sarah had wanted to stay, and so he had stayed, naming himself her guardian in Landon's absence. She wanted time to mourn the loss of her friend and mentor, and to deal with the power her father had unlocked with her fury. The chateau was probably hers anyway. I couldn't imagine that any Divine would lay claim to it any time soon, especially if word got out about what she had done to the archfiend.

I had remained a spirit from the moment I had used Elyse to pass along Landon's message until I had been drawn back across the world to the small monastery in China, run by one of the oldest angels on Earth. The world was safe from the Beast and the one called Malus. Landon was free. I had accomplished my mission. I had earned my redemption.

Master Lu had known I was coming. I don't know how, but he knew. He had a volunteer waiting for me, a new initiate to the House who he had yet to gift with the Touch. She was no more than twelve, and her memories were so simple and so pure. After all I had been through and witnessed, it was hard to keep myself from weeping at the beauty of them. I was sure she would make a good monk.

I stared into the white light and shuddered. I was nervous, excited, and afraid. I remembered what the other spirit had said to me. I knew there was a possibility my road to Heaven would end here, at least for now. Still, I was hopeful. I hadn't saved a kitten from a tree, after all.

"Step into the light, child," Master Lu said. "Bare your soul to the Heavenly Host, and allow them to make their judgement."

I held my breath, trying to calm my pounding heart. There was no sense in delaying.

Be good.

It was the last thing Landon had said to me. I had my flaws, but for better or worse, Heaven or not, that was what I was going to do.

Be good.

My host's feet carried me forward until I was inside the light, surrounded by it so that I saw nothing but a field of bright emptiness. I wasn't sure what was supposed to happen, but I felt a warmth surround me for a fleeting instant and then retreat.

I stepped out of the light.

Master Lu was smiling at me. A comforting, gentle smile.

Be good.