Awaken: A Spiral of Bliss Novel (Book Three)

“All right, fine.” She pushes up to glower at me. “You were an elf.”


I’m so surprised that I stop touching her. “An elf?”


Her cheeks redden again. “Yes.”


“Like with pointy ears and a funny hat?” I can’t help grinning. “That’s what got you so hot?”


She shoves at my chest. “No, not with pointy ears and a funny hat.”


“Then what?”


“You were like a Lord of the Rings elf. You know, with a leather vest and tight pants and a bow and arrow.”


“What were you?” I ask.


“I was a… a fairy.”


“A fairy.” This is increasingly promising. “Like Tinker Bell?”


“Not exactly. I did have wings, though. Jeweled slippers. I was wearing a white gown with a golden belt.” She pauses. “And nothing underneath.”




Even though it takes some persuading to get Liv to tell me about her erotic dreams, the result is well worth the effort. Not to mention that she always warms to the story after her initial reluctance, likely embellishing it with extra details.


“So what’d we do?” I ask.



“Well, there was a war going on between the elves and the fairies over possession of the forest,” she says. “I lived in a peaceful village with my fairy brethren…”


“Your fairy brethren?”


She swats my shoulder. “Yes. And you were out marauding with a troop of warrior elves, trying to take over the forest district by district.”


“Uh huh.”


“You saw me one afternoon when you were out hunting. I was picking flowers next to a lake. It was a really hot day, so I waded into the water to cool off. You were hiding behind a tree when you saw me getting all wet.”


“And I got hard.”


“Not right away because you were watching my pet deer.”


Sometimes it takes Liv a while to get to the good stuff.


“You had a pet deer,” I say.



“Yes. Its name was Clover.”



“When did we have sex?”



Liv arches an eyebrow. “I thought you wanted me to tell you about my dream.”



“Yeah, but maybe without so much backstory.”


She sighs as if I’d said I wanted to read the Cliff’s Notes version of a literary masterpiece.



“My pet deer,” she says pointedly, “was named Clover. You wanted to bring her back to your camp for dinner. But when you moved to raise your bow and arrow, you stepped on a twig. Both Clover and I heard the noise. She ran off into the forest, and I hurried to try and find my gown, which I’d left on the shore.”


“You were naked?”


“Of course I was naked. I was in the lake, remember?”


“Why were you naked in the forest if there was a threat of marauding elves?” Two can play at this game.


“I told you,” Liv says. “I lived in a peaceful fairy district.”


“But if warrior elves were taking over the forest district by district, you should’ve known about the danger and not gone skinny-dipping in the lake.”


Liv folds her arms over her chest and frowns. She’s trying for annoyance, but the position of her arms pushes her breasts up and out and makes her look damn sexy.


I want to lick her nipples. Instead I force my gaze back to her face.


“Okay,” I say. “So maybe there was a treaty between the fairies and the elves that they’d leave your district alone. So you thought you were safe.”


Her expression clears. “Yeah, that’s good. I mean… um, something like that. Anyway, I was hurrying to the shore when you stepped out from behind the trees. You pointed an arrow at me and told me not to move. Then you realized I was naked.”


“Took me a while.”


“The sun was at a weird angle, so you couldn’t really see at first. Then when you came closer, I grabbed my gown and held it in front of my wet body. You said you had to take me back to your camp. When I refused, you asked what I’d do to earn my release.”


She stares at my mouth and settles back on my thighs. I shift so my erection slides against her *.


“What’d you say?” I ask.


“That I… um, that I’d do whatever it took. I had to get back to my village.”


“Had to find your pet deer.”


“Yeah.” She lifts a hand and rubs her thumb across my lower lip. “So I said I’d do whatever you wanted. I was already… aroused, you know, being naked and in the water with the sun hot on my skin. And then you were there, all big and imposing with this tight leather vest and long hair…”


“Long hair?”


“You were an elf.” She wiggles a little against my thigh. A jolt of heat goes directly to my cock. “You pulled my gown away so you could stare at my naked body, all glistening with water droplets. The sight of me made you crazy with lust.”


She slides her hand down my chest to my stiffening prick. Her breasts move as she takes a breath.


“Then what?” My voice is getting hoarse.


“Then you ordered me to press my breasts together because you wanted to fuck my cleavage.”


“And you did.”



“Sank to my knees before you’d even finished giving me the order,” Liv whispers.



Lane, Nina's books