Awaken: A Spiral of Bliss Novel (Book Three)

I turn off the TV, then pause to brush a few strands of hair away from Liv’s forehead. On our second date, I’d been unable to stop myself from tugging her hair out of its ponytail so I could finally see it tumble over her shoulders. I wanted to touch her hair so badly my fingers hurt.


Now I get to touch it whenever I want, which is often. I slide my fingers through the thick strands, easing them away from her neck. She shifts. I realize she’s not wearing a bra beneath her T-shirt. I move a hand down to her breast. She sighs and arches into my hand, her taut nipple poking against my palm. My prick twitches. Liv’s tongue darts out to lick her lips. She shifts again, rubbing her legs together.


Ah, Christ. Liv doesn’t have discreet sex dreams. She gets into them, twisting and writhing and letting out little moans that make me hard in an instant. She fidgets again, slipping one hand between her legs. I tweak her nipple, then skim my fingers into the warm crevice beneath her breast. She’s sweating a little, strands of hair sticking to her neck, her skin flushed pink.


I consider waking her up, telling her to push her gorgeous breasts together so I can press my cock between them because, fuck, I’m starting to hurt. I yank on the button-fly of my jeans to relieve some of the pressure.


At that instant, Liv opens her eyes. She jerks her gaze up to my bulging crotch. Then she sucks in a breath and looks at me. Her brown eyes are glazed with sleep and arousal. I pull on the remaining buttons and shove my jeans and boxers down.


“Oh, God, Dean.” Liv groans and reaches for my erection. “Give it to me.”


I grasp a fistful of her hair and nudge my cock past her parted lips. Hot tension floods me the instant her beautiful mouth closes around me. Her tongue swirls and licks in exactly the right way, her hand pumping up and down the shaft. The pressure starts to build hard and fast, and I have to pull away before I can’t control it any longer.


I grab her T-shirt and yank it over her head. Her breasts bounce with the movement, the hard-tipped globes making my mouth water. She rubs her hands over them, her slender fingers twisting her nipples, then down to slither out of her sweatpants.


When she’s naked and flushed all over, lust bolts through me at the sight of her rounded curves and damp skin. I push a hand between her thighs and almost come. She’s so hot, so wet. I slide a finger into her and work it back and forth.


“Dean.” Before I’ve thrust more than three times, she comes, her legs clamping around me, her fingers twisting into my shirt. “I can’t get enough… please…”


She never has to beg, but it’s sexy as hell when she does. I back away and sit in an easy chair. My cock juts upward, and I have to fight the urge to stroke it. Liv rises on her elbow and stares at me, her eyes hot.


“Come and fuck me,” I tell her.


She lets out a little moan that goes straight to my blood. Pushing herself off the sofa, she walks over to straddle my lap. She reaches down to position us both and then with one, mind-blowing plunge, she sinks onto my shaft.


I clutch her hips when she starts to move. I won’t last long, not with her tight as a glove and her muscles so pliable. Not with her breasts bouncing in front of me, moans streaming from her throat, her ass slamming down on my thighs.


She braces one hand on my shoulder and uses the other to play with her nipples. Her breath comes faster, her hair falling over her face with the increasing force of her movements.


“Dean,” she gasps, digging her fingers into my shoulder. “Touch them.”


I palm her breasts as she supports herself with her other hand. Her muscles tighten with strain, and I’m sweating with the effort of withholding my orgasm. One twist of her nipples and she comes again with a shriek, convulsing around my shaft.


Before I can thrust upward, she slides off and moves back on my thighs. She grasps my cock, her gaze rapt on the movement of her own hand. A few strokes in and I can’t hold it anymore, pushing up into her grip as I shoot all over her hand.


“Oh, fuck.” Still gasping, Liv rubs her palm over her belly and sinks against my heaving chest. “That was amazing.”


I stroke her smooth, damp back as her breathing begins to slow. “So what was this dream about?”


She doesn’t respond, which makes me grin.


“Come on, beauty,” I cajole, moving my hands to her gorgeous ass. “Was I a pirate captain again?”


She presses her face against my shoulder and shakes her head. I squeeze her ass.


“A swashbuckler?” I ask. “A king? A superhero?”


She shakes her head again. I can almost feel her blush against my skin.


“What then?” I slip a finger into her * just to make her squirm. She does. And moans.


“A knight?” I ask.





“Then what?” I work my finger a little harder. She shifts her hips to accommodate me.


“None of your business,” she mumbles.


“Uh huh. What do you do when I’m not around during one of your hot dreams?” I swear her blush gets warmer.



“Left to your own devices, aren’t you?” I circle my thumb around her clit. She shivers. “Seems only fair that you should tell me what you’re dreaming about when I’m around to help you get off.”


Lane, Nina's books