A Lover's Vow

Dalton met Stonewall’s gaze and shrugged. “Not sure. Why do you want to know? Are you getting tired of following me around?”

“No, just asking,” Stonewall said, grinning and falling into step beside Dalton. “And thanks for South Beach. I needed it.”

Dalton chuckled to keep from admitting that he had needed it, too. He glanced at his watch. By his standards, it was still early, although most people would have gone to bed by now. After his conversation with Percy ended he had texted his brothers. Then he’d hung around, had a couple of beers and flirted with a few of the women. He hadn’t been tempted to take one to a hotel, although several had invited him over to their place. He’d turned them down. That didn’t necessarily mean he didn’t want sex tonight. It just meant he didn’t want it with them. He forced to the back of his mind the thought of the one woman he did want it from. She was supposed to be out of his system but, if that was the case, why were his thoughts consumed by her? And why hadn’t he been able to put last week behind him?

“You’re restless, Dalton.”

He glanced over at Stonewall. “Restless?”


Dalton figured he would agree if being restless and being horny meant the same thing. What was so damned frustrating was that after a week of practically nonstop sex like he’d had in Miami, horniness was the last thing he should be suffering from. “You have a steady woman, Stonewall?”

If Stonewall was surprised by his question, he didn’t show it. “No. I don’t have a steady woman.”

Dalton nodded. “Ever had a woman get into your system?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

“Then count your blessings.”

They made it to Dalton’s car, and he looked across the top of it to see all the bright lights of the nearby businesses. Some were tall buildings. Symmetrical. Well proportioned. Ripe with curves. His jaw tightened. Was he analyzing those damned buildings or remembering Jules’s body? He thought his cravings for her were a thing of the past. Evidently not. It seemed that instead of working her out of his system, he’d embedded her deeper within it.

“Headed back to your place now?”

For a minute, he’d forgotten Stonewall was standing beside him. “I really don’t want to.”

Stonewall didn’t say anything for a minute. “You need her address.”

He didn’t bother asking Stonewall who her was. “Do I?”

“Yes. You don’t have it.”

Dalton wondered how Stonewall knew that. And he was right. He didn’t have Jules’s address, because he’d never been to her home before. Just her office. “You got her address?”

“No, but I can get it.”

“Then do it.”

Dalton didn’t care that he and Jules had agreed not to pursue anything further once they returned to Charlottesville. On their last night together, she’d made it pretty damned clear that there would not be a repeat of Miami. However, at the moment, he didn’t care that he was probably the last person she wanted to see, or that the courteous thing would be to call her first and not just drop by unexpectedly. But he was too horny to be courteous. Besides, he wanted the element of surprise on his side.

And he also wanted something else.


Jules rubbed her eyes, tired of reading yet another document. She had remained at her office well after Manning had left to take his dad to the doctor and decided sometime after seven to head home with the last of the files. Once there, she had showered, put on her pj’s and decided to sit on the sofa in front of her fireplace and do some more reading.

Brenda Jackson's books