A Lover's Vow


A feeling of unease settled in Dalton’s stomach. Was that how Vidal had managed to steal money from the company without their knowing it? The man had been questioned and had refused to talk. And even with all the evidence stacked against him, his attorney had entered a not-guilty plea. Go figure.

“Don’t mention a word of what you’ve told me to anyone, Percy. Not even to John Castor. At this point, no one is to be trusted until we figure out who put the program on that computer and why. Hell, there might be more of them placed throughout the building.”

The thought of that really had Dalton’s stomach in knots now. He couldn’t wait to share this conversation with Jace and Caden. And it might be best if they had that meeting away from the office. Like he’d told Percy, at this point no one could be trusted.


Cuddled with Shana on the sofa while watching a movie on television, Jace glanced at his cell phone when he received a text message. Shana saw the way his brows bunched. “Something wrong, Jace?”

He glanced over at her, shaking his head. “Hell, I hope not. I just got a text from Dalton. He wants to meet with Caden and me at his place tomorrow morning at eight.”

Shana raised a brow. “Did he say why?”

“No, and he asked us not to call tonight and ask questions. He will fill us in on everything we need to know in the morning.”

When another text message came through, Jace glanced over at Shana. “Now he’s telling me to make sure I bring you.”

Shana smiled. “Now, don’t I feel special? I wonder what this is about.”

“We’ll find out in the morning. Whatever it is, he evidently doesn’t want to discuss it tonight.”

Shana’s smile faded, and undisguised concern showed in her eyes. “I hope it doesn’t involve Jules.”

“Why do you think it would?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “When it comes to Dalton and Jules, who knows? Did you ask him whether their paths crossed while he was in Miami?”

“Yes, I asked him, and he said no. But he was lying.”

“Really? What makes you so sure of that?”

“Because I know Dalton. He could look you right in your face and lie...but he can’t hide the way his jaw twitches when he’s doing it. I don’t think he’s even aware of it. That’s how I could catch him in a lie every time while growing up.”

He adjusted their positions on the sofa to place her legs across his. “What about Jules? Did she mention anything to you about seeing him in Miami?”

Shana shook her head. “No, but I have a feeling she did see him. I didn’t ask her anything about it when I talked to her on the phone today, and she didn’t volunteer any information. I get the feeling she’s being secretive about something, but I’m not sure it’s about Dalton. It has something to do with a case she’s working on.”

“I thought she decided not to take on any new cases until after the holidays.”

“Apparently, she changed her mind. Makes me wonder why. What about you and your brothers? Have you decided how you’re going to go about reopening your father’s case?”

“Yes, we’re meeting with Carson on Friday at the office to see what she recommends. Dad trusts her. Hell, he’s admitted to being in love with her, so I guess that says it all. I’m happy for him but also sad for him, as well. He deserves to be with her full-time. That’s why it’s important that we find my mother’s real killer.”

When Jace received another text message, he looked up at Shana and said, “Caden got the same text message from Dalton and wants to know if I know what’s going on.”

He texted his brother back and said, Your guess is as good as mine.


“So are you headed back to your place now?” Stonewall asked when Dalton walked out of the nightclub a couple hours after meeting with Percy.

Brenda Jackson's books