A Lover's Vow

Shep knew Ambrose always allowed them more private time than was strictly permitted, thus giving them the opportunity to engage in conjugal visits if they so desired. But, so far, he hadn’t taken advantage of that. Carson deserved more than a quickie based on lust, and he intended to make sure she got what she deserved, even if it meant waiting until he was eligible for parole. She’d always told him she could wait because she loved him, and he knew with every bone in his body that he loved her. He’d admitted to his sons that he loved her the last time they had visited. They hadn’t seemed surprised, because he knew Carson was beautiful both inside and out, and they knew it, too.

“And why did you need that, Mr. Granger?” she asked in a teasing tone. “Bad day?”

“The worst. Milligan and Davis were at it again today. I swear they’re worse than Striker and Stonewall ever were.”

“But with your help they will come around,” she said encouragingly.

“I hope so.” He then led her over to the table.

“So what did you find out?”

“According to Striker and Quasar, Jace and Caden have eased into their roles as husbands quite nicely.”

Shep smiled, pleased and happy with the women his sons had married. “Nothing suspicious happening?”

“No. And, as you requested, Roland now has someone inconspicuously keeping an eye on their wives as they go about their daily routines, which isn’t hard to do with Shana still working at Granger and Shiloh running the wine shop. It was easy for one of Roland’s guys to become a frequent customer.”

Shep nodded. “What’s going on with Dalton?”

“I understand that Dalton went out of town last week and, of course, Stonewall followed.”

Shep didn’t say anything for a minute as he leaned back in his chair. “Now that they know about them, are my sons making things difficult for Striker, Quasar or Stonewall?”

“According to Roland, not at all, although Dalton and that little red high-performance toy of his make things challenging for Stonewall at times.”

Shep grinned. “I can just imagine. You said Dalton was out of town last week. Where did he go?”

“Miami. Specifically, South Beach. Seems he followed a woman there.”

Shep looked surprised. “Dalton? Following behind a woman? Must have been some woman.”

“Yes. It was Jules Bradford.”

“Jules Bradford? Shana’s sister?”

“The one and only.”

Shep looked confused. “But when I talked to Shana’s father a few weeks ago, he mentioned that the two of them didn’t get along, and that they practically hated each other’s guts.”

A smile curved Carson’s lips. “That might be true to some extent, and I have to agree with what he said based on the one time I was in their presence. However, I think they might have recently reached a compromise...or entered into a truce situation of some sort.”

Shep nodded slowly. “That should be interesting,” he said, standing from his seat to take Carson back into his arms.

Carson went willingly. “I happen to agree.”


Dalton walked into the nightclub and tried putting to the back of his mind what had transpired the last time he’d been here—the incident with Jules when she had deliberately given him her ass to kiss. Didn’t matter now. That was water under the bridge since he had actually kissed that same ass just last week. Kissed it, licked those luscious cheeks and made love to them in ways that he got hard just thinking about. Now was not the time for an erection. He had business to deal with. Granger business. Besides, Jules was no longer in his system.

Moving around the tables while ignoring interested looks from various women, he made it to the booth in the back where Percy sat waiting. Dalton slid into the seat across from him. “You’ve been waiting long?”

Percy smiled wryly. “No. Actually, I just got here. I was hoping you wouldn’t be early. My son’s game ran into overtime.”

Dalton nodded. “Who won?”

“We did,” Percy said, smiling proudly. “I think he’s going to be a good football player.”

“Just like his dad.”


The waiter came to take their drink orders, and it was only after the man left that their conversation resumed. “So tell me what you know, Percy.”

Brenda Jackson's books