A Lover's Vow

She glanced over at Dalton and he winked, leaned close and whispered, “I wanted to write Fucking Liar but didn’t have time.”

She shook her head, fighting back a grin as they threaded through the other attendees who were also entering the auditorium. She knew that with Dalton she would never have a dull moment. He had told her about his time in the USN and his long-term affair with Lady Victoria, who was now married. He’d said he hadn’t wanted any secrets between them.

Up ahead, she saw Sandra Timmons with Vance Clayburn. He had broken off his engagement to Nannette Gaither last month and had been seen around town with Sandra Timmons. According to Dalton, Shiloh was acknowledging Clayburn as her father. And Jules had heard about Sedrick’s talk with Jace, explaining why he’d severed their friendship all those years ago. It seemed Samuel Timmons had threatened to send both him and Shiloh off to boarding school if he got wind that they were still friends with the Grangers. Jace understood and he and Shedrick were trying to rebuild the friendship they’d lost.

Dalton wrapped his arms tighter around her and pulled her closer. They would be getting married on New Year’s Day at Sutton Hills. She was letting Mona and Carson plan their wedding. All she and Dalton wanted to do was show up.

Leaning over, he nuzzled her ear. “Let’s play hooky from work all next week.”

She glanced over at him. “And do what?”

He smiled, and she knew what he had in mind. “Sounds good to me.”

He tightened his hand on hers, and all she could do was look forward to spending the rest of her life with him...the man she loved.


New Year’s Day

“Jules, you look absolutely beautiful,” Shana said, staring at her sister with tears in her eyes. “Mom would be so proud of you today.”

Jules smiled back at her sister. “Just like Dad and I were proud of you a few months ago. And now it’s my time.”

Shana nodded. “Yes, and now it’s your time.”

As Jules tried sitting still while Shana, Mona and Carson fussed with her veil, she took a moment to reflect on her life. She knew she loved Dalton, and he loved her and together they would have a beautiful life together. They wouldn’t always agree, and there would be days he’d want his way. But in the end, the key word would be compromise. They’d done a lot of that over the past few months.

She glanced out the window and looked out over the Sutton Hills estate. Already Sheppard had had the boathouse torn down and another would be built in a different location. He and Carson had moved into the main house, and Jace and Shana and Caden and Shiloh were making plans to build their own homes on Sutton Hills property. She and Dalton had decided not to make any decisions about anything like that yet. For now they would live at Dalton’s place. They would be flying out after the reception for a two-week honeymoon in Paris, and she couldn’t wait.

She looked up at Mona, caught the woman’s eye and winked. Everyone was thrilled that Mona’s sight had returned in time for her wedding. Mona and her father would be marrying next month on Valentine’s Day, and she couldn’t wait. Her father and Mona deserved all the happiness in the world.

Carson glanced at her watch and smiled. “It’s time. We don’t want to keep Dalton waiting.”

Jules laughed. “No, we don’t.”


Dalton Granger glanced around, noting the hundreds of people assembled for his and Jules’s wedding. And the three men he loved the most, his father and brothers, stood beside him as his best men.

Brenda Jackson's books