A Lover's Vow

When he stood up, she jumped out of her seat, off her feet and into his arms, straddling him with her legs. His hands supported her as they kissed, their tongues mingling in a way that made him want to explore her mouth forever and always. He was drowning but at the moment, he didn’t care. He just needed this closeness with her, a closeness he’d never been able to have with any other woman. A closeness he knew he could only have with her. Now he understood. His brothers had tried to explain things, but he hadn’t believed them. He needed to experience this kind of love for himself. Now he was.

He broke off the kiss to catch his breath. Breathing hard, he placed his forehead against hers. Listening to the sound of her breathing, just as labored as his own, had him hoping neither one of them had a heart attack from too much of this.

“When?” she asked in a choppy voice. “When do we get married?”

He lifted his head a little to look into her eyes. “As soon as possible. I want the world to know you’re mine and mine alone.”

She chuckled. “Definitely not today. It’s your father’s day. His day with Carson.”

He nodded. “Yes, this is Dad’s and Carson’s day.”

“Not next month. It’s Caden’s charity concert. But definitely while Shana can still fit into a bridesmaid’s dress.”

“Is that possible?”

She pinched him. “Ouch!”

“That’s my sister you’re talking about. And speaking of babies...do you ever want any of your own?”

“I’m ready when you are.”

She leaned back and stared even more deeply into his eyes. “Thank you. But not for a while yet. I want to enjoy my niece or nephew for a while.”

“Our niece or nephew.”

She shrugged. “I guess I’ll share him or her with you.”

She began disentangling herself from his arms, or at least she tried. “We need to get dressed. Everyone will be here in an hour or so. Today is a big day. I finally get to meet my future father-in-law. I’m looking forward to that.”

“I know he’s looking forward to meeting you.” He took a firm grip on her hips and guided her gently toward the bedroom. “There will always be things we make time for. Making love will always be one of them, and baby, that time has come.”


Sheppard Granger stood and looked out the prison library window. As far back as he could see through the gates of Delvers, newspaper reporters and television cameras lined the street. He shook his head. This was unreal. Almost unbelievable. Today, after fifteen years, he would walk out through those gates a free man. All because his family and good friends believed in him. Especially his sons. The three he’d fathered, and those he’d adopted as his own over the years.

“It’s almost time, Sheppard.”

He didn’t have to turn around to know Ambrose was there. He nodded, and then his eyes widened when he saw the convoy headed toward the prison. Cars in a line as far back as he could see; there were at least fifty, maybe more. Of course, Dalton’s little red death trap led the pack.

He turned around. “I know it sounds crazy, but I’m going to miss this place.”

“No, it doesn’t sound crazy. I believe the Man upstairs had a job for you to do here. You’ve done it, and now, Sheppard Granger, it’s time for you to go home.”

A smile touched Sheppard’s face. “Yes, it’s time to go home. I’m marrying a beautiful woman, the woman I love, and I have a grandbaby on the way. It’s time for me to go home.”

Crossing the room, he gave the man who’d looked out for him for a long time a bear hug. “You and your family will always be welcome in my home. Remember that.”

Ambrose nodded. “Thanks. I will remember that.”

Then Sheppard walked out of the room without looking back.


Brenda Jackson's books