A Lover's Vow

Dalton Granger glanced around, noting the hundreds of people assembled in the rose garden of the Granger estate. He hadn’t expected a small wedding. Not for his dad. But for any man to have twenty best men was a little bit much, especially on such short notice. But here they all stood: Jace, Caden, Dalton, Stonewall, Striker, Quasar and fourteen others—all men whose lives Sheppard Granger had helped turn around at both Glenworth and Delvers. Some had gone back to school; many even to college, and others were business owners—successful men in their communities. All thanks to his dad.

Roland had walked Carson down the aisle, and Dalton thought she looked absolutely beautiful. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress, knowing blue was his father’s favorite color. Seeing the tears that had formed in his father’s eyes had almost been too much for Dalton. But all he had to do was look out among the guests to see that his own future wife was crying enough for both of them.

When Dalton had introduced Jules to his father, Sheppard had pulled his future daughter-in-law into his arms and thanked her profusely for all she’d done to make this day possible. He then gave Ben a big bear hug like the two were the best of friends. Dalton had a feeling the two men would be.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” Rev. Luther Thomas said, pulling Dalton’s thoughts back to the business at hand. “Sheppard Granger, you may kiss your bride.”

Dalton watched as his father pulled Carson into his arms and gave her a whopper of a kiss. Wow! He didn’t know the old man had it in him. He guessed being locked up for fifteen years would have that kind of effect on you.

After a long kiss, the newlyweds turned to the guests as the reverend said, “I present to you, Sheppard and Carson Granger. May they have a long and happy marriage.”


“Welcome home, Sheppard.”

He crawled into bed beside his wife. “Welcome to Sutton Hills, Mrs. Granger.” He leaned over and kissed her, not believing they were together after all this time. Next week they would leave for a while. She’d never been to Hawaii, and he wanted to take her there. Besides, he needed to get his bearings, take time for everything to sink in. And eventually things would, because he would have Carson by his side.

“Thanks for believing in me, Carson.”

A smile touched her lips. “And thanks for being a man who was worth believing in.”

He reached out to touch her and ease the straps of her pretty black negligee down her shoulders. He had waited five years to make love to her, and he couldn’t wait a minute longer.

Using the tips of his fingers, he touched her everywhere and heard her sharp intake of breath when his fingers moved to certain areas, letting him know her hot spots. Before the night was over, he was going to make sure her entire body was hot.

Leaning in, he kissed her again, and when he released her lips, they were both panting for breath. “I love you, Carson,” he whispered against her moist lips.

“And I love you,” she said, staring up at him.

He eased his body over hers, joined their hands together, entwined their fingers and knew he was finally home. Desire and love filled him, and then he felt himself filling her. She arched her body into him, giving him the opportunity to go deeper, and he knew when he began moving inside her that his life was now perfect.

He held her gaze and saw the love in her eyes. It was the same love that had gotten him through the days and nights at Delvers, and tonight he intended to push them over the edge. There were no more limitations for them.

When she called his name as a spasm ripped through her, he felt it, and the strength of it pushed him over the edge, as well. He knew at that moment that this time, their first time together, had been well worth the wait.


A month later...

Brenda Jackson's books