Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Oh, um…” I faltered, not knowing how to talk my way out of the crap I just got myself caught in. He released a tired breath and shook his head.

“Sit on the floor over there.” He pointed to a spot near his nightstand.

“I can explain –”

“I’m not interested in your explanations.”

I gave in just like he knew I would if the self-satisfied smirk was anything to go by and sat in the spot he designated. When he bent over his nightstand I inhaled his scent. I admired his dark locks and plump lips before I could stop myself but the sound of metal had my gaze flying to what he held in his hand. I’m sure my eyes were close to popping out of my head as I gaped at the object in his hand.

Handcuffs. Freaking handcuffs.

“What are you doing with those?”

“Handcuffing you.”

“No, I mean why do you have them in the first place?”

“I’m saving them for a rainy day. These are new actually. It’s like a “thinking of you” gift because I was thinking of you when I bought them.”

He quickly cuffed both hands to the long thin handle on the nightstand drawer so that my body was now bent in an awkward position unless I faced the nightstand completely with my back to the door.

“I’m not an animal,” I argued but when I heard the click of the door, I realized he was already gone.


Minutes later there was a soft knock on the door and then it opened. Light footsteps rushed in my direction and then I heard Sheldon’s soft voice ask, “Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." I said sarcastically. I dropped my gaze down to the dark wood but felt her gentle fingers pick up my chin, forcing me to look at her as she sat on the floor next to me.

“Did he hurt you?” Her voice and eyes were full of concern, which surprised me.

“Yes,” I answered truthfully, “but not in the way you think.”

Keiran always had the power to hurt me without lifting a finger and on the days he was feeling particularly sadistic he would take from me relentlessly until I had nothing left to give. Over the years I learned the signs and while I knew there was no escaping him I was able to bounce back quicker.

“Lake, what are you doing here with him?”

Letting him punish me. “Why?” I asked instead.

“Because you two don’t have the best history. I mean, why does he hate you?”

I let out a dry laugh. “I wish I knew.”

“Keenan won’t tell me much. He only said it began a long time ago but I already figured that. I was there sometimes when he teased you. It was awful.”

I shrugged. “I survived it.”

“Sometimes surviving isn’t enough.” She was wrong. It was enough. It had to be.

I stared at her flawless face and bright eyes and knew she never experienced a day of hardship in her life. She had both of her parents, a boyfriend, and an endless supply of friends not to mention, money and status. While I didn’t begrudge her happiness, we didn’t have anything to talk about.

“I really appreciate you checking on me but I don’t think I should talk to you.” She tensed and I realized my mistake. Sheldon was sharper than I thought.

“Did he threaten you?” Yes.

“No.” She looked at me skeptically.

“Are you lying to me? Yes.


“Are you here on your own free will?” No.

“No.” Shit.

“I see.” When she stood up in a hurry, I panicked. “Wait! I meant ‘yes, I agreed to come here.’”

“Why are you covering for him? You’re obviously in trouble,” she hissed as she gestured to the handcuffs.

“Please, Sheldon. You don’t understand. Leave it be.”

“Make me understand,” she demanded.

“I don’t know how! Why do you care anyway? You’re his friend and Keenan’s girlfriend.

“I can handle Keenan,” she argued.

“But can you handle Keiran?”

“Keenan won’t let him do anything to me.”

B.B. Reid's books